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\Eren's pov\
On the way to my guardian's home I was just staring outside the window. I couldn't help but think, am I really going to have somewhere to call home, I really hope so I don't want to keep going through families and homes.

What's a home anyways? Whatever it is I hope I can feel safe, wanted, and appreciated there.

\Narrator's pov\
Eren drifted off to sleep without even realizing it. Eren doesn't get enough sleep because everytime he closes his eyes he dreams of that night, March 30, 2004.

~time skip~arrived at Levi's house
\Levi's pov\
When I pulled into the driveway and looked towards the back seat I saw the little brat asleep. I was going to wake him up but he seems like he doesn't get much sleep.

So I decided that I'll pick him up, bring him inside, tuck him in, and get his things out the car tomorrow.

I turned the car off, got out the car, close my door, and went to where the brat was sitting. Once I reached the brat I open the car door, picked him up, closed the door, then locked it.

Once I reached the front door I grabbed the keys and unlocked the door, went inside, locked it, then I went upstairs to the undecorated room which was the brats.

When I got to his room I turned on the lights, walked over to his bed, took his shoes off, then tucked him in.

After that I turned off the light then headed to my room. When I reached my room I did my night routine, went to my bed, then went to sleep.

~20 minutes later~
\Eren's pov\
I woke up in the darkness with tears on my face, it seemed like I the same dream of that night again.

I then realized that I was in a room, so I assumed we had reached Mr Levi's house.

I didn't want to stay in this room. I wiped the tears off my face, got out the bed, and walked out the room. I then proceeded to find Mr Levi's room. Once I found his room I opened it and went inside.

I walked over to his bed, climbed in, and cuddled up to him. For some odd reason I felt safe and calm. Before realizing it I drifted off to sleep.

~In the morning~
\Levi's pov\
I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I then realized that I felt something warm cuddled up on me. I looked down to see that it's the brat.

He looks so peaceful to the point that I didn't want to wake him up. I smiled at the sight of that. I then thought to myself that I'll just wake him up after I'm done with my morning routine.


After I was done doing my morning routine I went over the sleeping brat and shook him lightly to wake him up. After shaking him and telling him it's time to get up softly for a couple of seconds his beautiful emerald started to open.

When he realized it was time to get up he did a cute little yawn and stretch and said good morning and I just gave him a warm smile and said good morning back.

I then told him to go freshen up then come down for breakfast. He nodded then off he went.

\Eren's pov\
I was having a good dream I actually didn't dream of that night, which made me happy.

I started to feel someone shaking me lightly and telling me it's time to wake up in a soft voice which caused me to get up.

Once I was fully up I did a little yawn, stretch, and said good morning to Mr Levi. He smiled and said good morning back. After that he told me to go freshen up then come down for breakfast. I nodded and got off the bed then headed to my empty room.

\Narrator's pov\
After Eren freshen up(morning routine) he came downstairs, at right time, he then sat town at the table waiting for his breakfast.

After Levi placed the food on their plates he fixed him some orange juice then asked Eren if he wanted orange juice or apple. Eren then responded saying apple juice.

After fixing Eren apple juice he brought his and Eren food and drink to the table.


Once they finished Levi took their plates and cups and put them in the sink to wash them while doing that he told Eren to go get dressed so they can go shopping for him.

Eren said ok and did as he was told.

When Levi was done with the dishes he went upstairs to get ready.

After Levi was done he went downstairs to see Eren dressed sitting on the couch drawing.

He told Eren that before they leave they have to get his things out the car.

When they finished bringing Eren things out the car they went shopping.

~time skip~after shopping
When they was done shopping they headed home and it was pretty late ,so when they reached the house they brought everything that Levi bought inside.

Levi told Eren that they will set up everything tomorrow, Eren said ok. They both then head upstairs to their rooms to do their night routine.

After they was done they both came downstairs. Levi told Eren he can go watch tv while he make dinner.

When dinner was ready he told Eren to go wash his hands and come eat.

After dinner Levi washed the dishes and Eren just sat there watching him.{not in a creepy way}

When Levi was done with dishes Eren asked if he can sleep with him tonight. Levi didn't question it he just smiled and said yes.

They both headed upstairs towards Levi's bedroom. Levi asked Eren did he want to watch a movie and Eren said yes, so that's what they did.

About 20 minutes into the movie Eren fell asleep.... 10 minutes later Levi fell asleep.

To be continued
posted- august 7, 2021
edited- may 17, 2022

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