ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕚𝕧𝕖

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Y/N and I headed into work at the same time as usual, and made our way to the lounge. Chris, Jimmy, Tareq and Marcus were already there. Marcus was filling in for Hazel as a camera man, since there just weren't enough otherwise.

We talked for a while, waiting for the rest of the crew to arrive. Ethan and Bailey arrived, and then Hannah not long after.

It was almost 8:30 now, and Chandler still hadn't arrived.
"Not like Chandler to be late without telling us." Y/N commented.

I nodded in agreement. "Even if he's sick he usually lets us know." The other guys gave murmures of agreement as well.

"I'll try calling him. Maybe he's too sick to text or call us." Jimmy pulled out his phone, clicked on Chandler's contact, and called him. He put it on speaker, and we watched it ring...

And ring...

And ring.

Chandler never picked up, and it went to voicemail.
"Odd," Y/N said. "Let me try."

And so she tried calling Chandler as well, but it too went to voicemail.

Now we were quite confused. Normally Chandler wouldn't leave us in the dark like this.

"Should we go to his house and see what's up?" Y/N asked.

Jimmy nodded. "Yes. Y/N, you and Tareq go and find out what's up with Chandler. I need my main members to figure out what we're gonna do with videos today. We might take the day off."

Y/N nodded, as did I. She and Tareq headed out, and Jimmy gathered the rest of us together to discuss what we would do.

Y/N and I got into my car, since I offered to drive, and we began the ride to Chandler's place. It wasn't far from the studio, and we were there within ten minutes.

Y/N rushed out first, obviously eager to see what became of her best friend. I was a bit slower, noticing Chandler's car was still outside his house. So that meant he was home, right?

When I reached the door, Y/N was standing outside, looking concerned. She pointed to the front door, which was open.

"It was open when I got here." She said. I blinked.
"That's not good," I said softly. "Let's go carefully."

She nodded, and so we headed inside, making sure there weren't any uninvited guests around before doing so.

Y/N went upstairs, presumably to check for Chandler, and so I searched downstairs. He wasn't in any of the rooms, and there was no sign of anything odd, so I returned to the front hall just as Y/N came downstairs.

"He's not here!" She exclaimed, her tone sounding anxious.

"Not downstairs, either." I said. Just then, Y/N's gaze focused on something behind me. She darted forward, pushing past me and out the door. Confused, I turned to follow her.

She'd picked something up from the ground just outside. It was a phone; at a closer look, I recognized it to be Chandler's phone.

"That explains why he wasn't picking up or telling us why he was late." I commented. As the reality of what likely happened to Chandler set in, a wave of dread came over me. Y/N obviously felt the same.

"What happened to him?!" She demanded to no one in particular.
"That faceless attacker must've taken him! It has to be the same one who hurt Hazel!"

I flinched when she said Hazel's name, but tried to shake it off. We had to focus on Chandler now.

"We should call the cops or something," I said. "They might be able to find out where Chandler was taken to, if he was taken."

Y/N agreed, and so we called 911, and then the rest of the guys. Jimmy, Karl, and Chris showed up, and informed us that we were all basically on a sort of vacation until Chandler and Hazel returned to the group. Even basic planning was on hold, since we couldn't do anything without Chandler.

After Jimmy, Chris, and I arrived on the scene, things became hectic. The police asked all of us a plethora of questions, and determined that there had indeed been someone in Chandler's house who wasn't supposed to be there, but they couldn't figure out where they could've gone, because there were no vehicle tracks.

Y/N was a mess. She'd started crying, and practically begged me to get us away from all the chaos. So we made sure the cops were done with us, and got in my car.

"Where should we go?" I asked Y/N, as I drove away from the apparent crime scene behind us.
She shrugged, her eyes red from crying. "Anywhere." She said softly.

And so I drove on, down many different roads, until at last I slowed and parked in front of a dock. As I gazed out the window, my mind flooded with memories.
This was the place that Y/N and I had officially become a couple. She seemed to recognize, because she stepped out of the car, gazing out at the sunset.

I got out too, going around the car to stand beside her. I took her hand in mine, and we slowly walked out onto the wooden dock, while the calm waves lapped the sturdy legs beneath us.

When we stood on the edge, Y/N turned to look at me. I gazed back, and saw pain and fear woven into her Y/E/C eyes. (A/N: Just to make sure, Y/E/C is your eye colour. Lol)

"Karl... First Hazel's in a coma, and now Chandler's gone missing... They have to be linked somehow, don't they?"

I hesitated before giving a halfhearted nod.
"It's possible. But I don't know why."

Y/N shrugged. "I don't know, but something terrible is going on. And what about that creepy letter you got? What does this person want with us?"

She was starting to sound anxious and worked up again, and I gave her hands a gentle, comforting squeeze.

"It's okay, Y/N. It'll be okay. I promise."

She looked me straight in the eye, her gaze expressing all the emotion needed, as she softly murmured, "I love you, Karl."

For some reason, my throat got tight with emotion, and I swallowed.
"I love you, too." I finally managed to say back, and as though on cue, Y/N's eyes overflowed yet again, and she buried her head in my hoodie. I hugged her to comfort her, praying to every higher force out there that the danger would pass, and Chandler and Hazel would be alright.

A/N: Bit of an emotional ending, because why not? Lol.

I hope you enjoyed this! If you thought this plot twist was interesting, I can't wait to throw the next chapter at you. Things have only just begun. ;))

Anticipate chapter six!

Remember to smile, because smiles are the brightest light! \ (^-^) /

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔽𝕒𝕔𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕤 𝔸𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕟 - 𝔸 𝕂𝕒𝕣𝕝 𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕠𝕓𝕤 𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕔Where stories live. Discover now