Chapter 16 (edited)

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I stormed into the storage room, not bothering to even turn on the light.

In the darkness, I felt sweat covering my skin. My back, neck, and arms tingled with awareness, all the places she had been staring at felt bruised.

I wanted to break something. I wanted to break shit all around and destroy whatever I came across like a tornado. I wanted... fuck! I needed to touch, take, give, taste. I was aching, shaking with it. I was going crazy, just like a caged wild animal destined to spend the rest of its days behind iron bars.

I stopped looking at her, but that didn't mean I didn't know what was going on, that I couldn't feel her.

I knew he sat with her again, across from her, too. This way, it would probably be easier to talk to her, watch her, and caress her. With his hands, his feet, with whatever he damned could. Innocent little touches, freely given, the touches I never would take or give.

My body ached, my eyes ached, my fucking heart ached, too. I hadn't been sleeping, eating, or fucking resting at all since I decided to let her go. This situation wasn't working for me. I was worried, jealous, and beside myself all the time. I felt I could snap at any moment if I let my grip on control slip, like a wounded animal ready to take everything down with it.

I couldn't do this. I wasn't strong enough to go through this, I'd lose it. I had to quit. As soon as possible, and run away like the devil was chasing after me. I didn't give a fuck if I went hungry at that point, I was beyond it. I'd probably live off from what little I had saved until I figured out what to do next. The faster the better, and probably via email. I couldn't muster any sort of patience to mask the agony, and the anger I felt. It was like something was taking over me, and it was either this or losing my goddamn mind.

Maybe I should, maybe then I'd forget her, forget she was mine.

Before I had time to put myself together enough to walk away, the door creaked open.

Her scent rocked every living, breathing organ in me. It overpowered my senses and jolted my raging body with so much pent-up need, I purposely tensed my muscles so I wouldn't do anything stupid. If I saw her face, I couldn't promise any one of us was safe. I was too unpredictable and worked up to risk it.

"Get out. Now." An iron rumble surfaced from a place within me, I never knew existed. I gripped the closest item I could find, I didn't even care what it was. It felt round and cool. But it didn't distract me for a second.


"Why did you come to my best friend's party?"

Her voice soothed a deep place within me, just like cool running water relieving the sting of a burn. I scarcely breathed, but no matter what I did, I was filled with all of her. She was flowing in my system, she had become the oxygen that my blood took from my lungs to keep rushing in my veins.

Her scent was too intoxicating. More than pills, more than drugs, more than any alcohol I've ever had. I was drowning in it, became drunk with it. I wanted to consume her whole so that she always lived inside me.

"Don't ask me that." I grit out, hoping my rudeness was enough for her to turn around and leave.

"You owe me that much." She insisted, taking a step forward.

The snap of her voice was like warm running honey spilling on my groin. The warmth burned, but it didn't hurt, it ached with a throbbing that matched my ragging heart.

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