Chapter 2

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Warning everyone: This chapter has a bit of violence. Nothing I think is that graphic, though I may be wrong. If you have a weak stomach, you might want to be careful.

I must have fallen asleep, because next thing I know I'm woken up by a kick to the stomach.

Upon feeling the sharp dig to my ribs, I curl up to try to protect them and my stomach from any further attacks, and open my eyes, though keep them cast down, to let whoever was waking me up in such an awful manner know that I'm up. They could have just banged something against the bar, which would have been just as effective.

A minute later, when I feel no further attack, I uncurl myself, and start to stand up.

"Don't. You will remain kneeled when Captain Van Acker comes down here to hear your side of the story and then sentence a punishment. I do hope you have an appropriate excuse for what you did, though I wouldn't really complain if you didn't." The voice of my punisher says, and just my luck, it's the uncle.

I dip my head down even further, to where my chin is touching my thoracic outlet, to show that I understand.

He grabs my hair, pulling my head back to where I have to look him in the eyes, "For further reference, when one of us tells you something, you need to reply with 'aye sir' 'aye ma'am' or their appropriate title. Anything less is considered an insult, and right now, none of us like you, and would all love an excuse to hurt you for what you did to our Captain, whom most of us that will be around you are related to, in love with, or she has saved our lives multiple times, so I would suggest not giving us an excuse to hurt you. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir." I say, wanting to avoid further pain, and he lets go of my hair. I start wondering what in the world I could have done to warrant that reaction. I know that she isn't dead, so why would he react that violently?

It must be sentiment of some sort. Most people are funny about their family like that. They probably don't want to murder most of them, or have had a hand in all their deaths. I finally decided, though I'm not satisfied with that answer. Though, there's no other logical solution.

And, there's Rule 15: Once the impossible is elemationed, the possibility left, no matter how improbable, is the truth. If there is no possible answer, then you're an idiot and elemitated it, and now have to redo everything.

Even if he doesn't seem like the type to get all that sentimental, what other solution is there? Besides, he is human. We simply can not help being sentimental, no matter how much we would love not to be.

After about five minutes of kneeling, waiting for Captain Van Acker, I start to feel the cold seeping into my bones, making them ache.

Or that might have been sleeping on the floor since my cell has no pallet, chair, or anything to lay on but the floor that is covered in dirt, and other substances that I'm sure I don't want to know what they are, though I have a few good guesses.

My mind starts to wonder, on to how much I want to tell her. How much about why I did what I did. Surely not the whole thing; not only would that jeopardize CHIP, it would also put me in far more danger, and most likely get me killed. That's if they don't kill me because of my reputation as Ice Queen, or whatever I might have done to their Captain.

Eventually, I hear the heeled boots slowly clicking their way down the stairs, and I feel like I'm going to throw up from the nerves. There's no way that this can end well, and it'll be a miracle if I get out of this alive. Though, they might keep me alive just to torment me more. Or try to get information about CHIP out of me if Avidgor told Dirk, and then Dirk lied and told them about CHIP.

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