Chapter 18

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The pirates don't even lift their heads. They notice nothing wrong. Though, if Miguel does actually like me, I probably just set off all sorts of alarm bells in his head. Oh well.

My team however, at least they weren't the most obvious. That's about the only positive thing I can say about their reactions. Besides that I wish I had something to show it to them. It is a perfect example of what to not do.

They all had this deer and headlights look, and honestly looked as if they were going to ask me if I was sick or something. Zeev actually started to move to presumably do that, before Katherine caught his shoulder and pulled him back with a glare. Probably her version of 'if you mess this up you will not stay breathing for long.'

Can't say that I blame her either. She was barely around during the era of Brady and I, so she just barely knew how it was if I was around someone I liked; which is to say that I'm not a complete tyrant.

However, Brady died, and how I acted before paled in comparison. Kind of like the reverse order of Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth.

Or, if you're from my home area, an accurate representation would be Queen Sivella and King Xavier. Queen Sivella was an amazing Queen for Sasong, though very strict. Then, she met King Xavier, and was forced to marry him, which was actually the best thing for Sasong with strengthened bonds with Rivallyn, new ideas and technologies, etc. Their only rivals at the time were my country, but we ignore that, especially because Queen Sivella was probably my favorite queen. Then, Xavier died in battle, while Sivella survived, and let's just say things got bad for Sasong. They're still rebounding from the economic depression during those times.

Long story short, Sasong picked a fight with everyone, lost all those fights, had to pay tribute because of losing, didn't have the money to pay, drained all funds and potential lines of credit, had a drought happen, all this caused a shortage of food, some people tried to overthrow the queen, that didn't end well, and she still stayed on her throne. Finally, she met someone else, they married, but by then the people hated her so much they stormed the castle and killed her and her new husband, making her daughter take the throne, since they also killed her son in the battle.

Sometimes, I really do like history. It's kind of interesting, when you're not talking about all the peaceful times.

Though, side note over, Amelia responded the best out of all of them. Though, she grew up in Rivallyn; women there are trained to not let their true feelings show before they can properly talk.

She instead, smirks and walks straight over to me, before grabbing me by the arm and dragging me to the bow.

"Really? Isn't this sort of my thing?" I ask once she's happy that we're far away enough from everyone to not be overheard.

She pretends to think. "Um, no. Your thing is dragging us by our wrist; I grabbed your forearm. Two different bones, two different modus operandis."

I shake my head. "Alright, fine. Isn't it my thing to grab someone by their arm and drag them wherever I want them to go? What gives?"

"What gives is that you need to know to pay attention, because you are not going to blow it this time." She hisses, and I give her a questioning look.

"Do you know something I don't? Because-" I'm suddenly cut off by her putting one hand up, and the other over my mouth. She really has been taking lessons from me. I'm not sure whether to be happy, or upset.

"What I know is that you are in love with Miguel. You have been for a while. And he likes you. A lot. So, you two are going to be together before this is done. Whether it is married or courting is up to you two; but mark my words it will be one of the two and you aren't getting a chance to mess it up. And you know this, which is why you asked me for help.

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