Chapter 3

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I hear a loud clang, and lift my head up to see who it is. Though my body protests, I go ahead and try to sit up. Call it a sign of respect, though one might rather say that I didn't want to get another beating so I'm playing the role of a perfect prisoner to try to avoid that at all costs. I'm just saying that the person who spread that but if gossip might be fairly smart, for someone who gossips there is.

Once my eyes finally focus and the vision adjusts to the light, I see the Spaniard. Normally, I'd say something snarky, sarcastic, something more me, but I don't. Partly because I haven't eaten for who knows how many hours but at least more than twenty four hours, and don't have the energy. Partly because the only way to get food would be to play nice, and the Spaniard has food with him, so I play nice.

He stares at me hard, and as much as I want to stare back, I don't. Some things aren't worth showing your dominance, even if it is practically non-existent right now.

If someone had told me that my mission would go so wrong that I'm now submitting to pirates, and not only that, but not challenging them every time they look at me, I would call them a liar to the highest degree.

I hear the cell door creak open, and tense myself up. I prepare to run out of here, or defend myself in case he tries something.

When I see him walking over to me, my breathing increases slightly. I feel my body start to shake, causing more pain than what I have had as my body moves. I feel the cold as always too, and wish that it would just numb me already.

Instead of doing my worst fear in this situation, or another punishment, he lays down a small plate with a piece of bread, and a cup of water right next to it.

I look at him worriedly, wondering if he's going to eat in front of my to just torture me and show me that I can't have access to something. I look up at him slightly. He must see my questions in my eyes since he lets out a small sigh. "It's for you. Captain Storm's orders."

I still have some cautions, wondering if it's to poison me; do to me what I did to her by accident. I wouldn't put it past anyone, especially not a grieving mother, or father for that matter.

However, my hunger and need for strength to survive and escape from these people wins.

My mind tells my hand what to do, as I don't even realize that I've reached for the bread and that I'm bringing it to my mouth as the Spaniard catches my hand.

Though he quickly glances down and to the left, recalling a memory, most likely from yesterday to see if he grabbed my bad wrist. As if I would use that one, which is now terribly swollen and hurts without having to move it, much less use it to pick something up and risk something like this happening.

I give him a glare that he seems immune to. "I don't believe that we've been properly introduced. I'm Miguel, forgive me for not saying my last name, but I do think that you could use that information to your advantage too much on the occasion that you do escape. And the only reason I'm telling you this is because Captain Storm has requested I," He hesitates as if searching for the right word. Or rather, searching for a kinder word than interrogate.

Given how he acts like a gentleman, I bet he says question. "question you."

I internally internally roll my eyes at how he sees himself as a gentleman, even using a kinder word as if I haven't been interrogated/tortured for information before. I know exactly what he's doing and the game that he's playing, and I don't like it, nor am I falling for it.

"I gave you my name, so, what's yours?"

I roll my eyes before saying it, but only because I want food, and he's still holding my hand keeping me from eating. Somehow, I don't feel like this will change until I go ahead and answer all his undoubtedly stupid and tedious questions.

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