Chapter 12

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Everyone starts to speak at once. Miguel and Eva are both worried, talking about how to find Luna. Dirk starts blabbing about how they can't just leave the ship unattended. Maartje somehow thinks this is all her fault.

"All right, we're not supposed to pull out for at least three more days. Here's what we'll do; Miguel, Maartje, Ruben, Laurens, and I will go and try to find her. Dirk, you stay here with the ship," Eva says and they all nod.

"I'll go with you guys," I volunteer, and surprisingly everyone shouts no.

"I will not have you endangering yourself like that," Miguel exclaims, and I barely restrain rolling my eyes. He's seen my back; he knows I have scars, and he obviously believes some of the rumors so he should know I can take care of myself. What is he worried about happening to me?

"On top of that, I don't fully trust you. At least not with looking for my daughter; everyone knows the Ice Queen hates children," Eva chimes in.

"And she called Luna brat nearly the entire time they talked," Maartje adds, causing me to throw a death glare in her direction.

"For me, brat is a term of affection. If you are younger than me, and being mildly annoying, you're brat. Even sometimes if you're older than me but we're close," I explain, trying to smooth things over. Unsurprisingly, it doesn't work.

"Eva, you can't seriously be thinking about taking her out where people can see her? She could hurt people. No, I think she needs to stay on the ship, where I can keep an eye on her," Dirk speaks up, and I just stare at him, with a glare that hopefully tells him he has died over a hundred times in my head, right now.

Sadly, he doesn't get the hint because he's staring right back at me.

Eva is biting her lip, obviously conflicted by what to do. She probably knows what Dirk is probably wanting to do, torture me, and apparently she likes me so she doesn't want to let that happen. Actually, it's probably because she believes no one deserves it, but we'll go with she likes me for my sake.

"Dirk, Miguel is still in charge, which means you can't do anything to her. Just take her back to the ship, but her in-" She cuts off as she looks to Miguel.

"If Captain is fine, I would like for her to be put in the sick room, as she is still needing treatment and I want everyone to remember why," Miguel replies in a very icy tone. I think we could possibly bond over our hatred over him.

"You need to take her there, and leave her there. Post a guard if you like, but besides that leave her alone," Eva says firmly, and I close my eyes to keep from smirking. I have won yet another battle, so close to winning the war.

"And you, behave," Miguel says sternly, and I pull a perfect fake innocence look.

He gives me an unimpressed look that I know says 'save it because I'm not buying it for a second because I know you're thinking of ways to deliberately antagonize Dirk because he deserves it and he can't do anything to you.'

I sigh, and he smiles. It isn't until Eva and Maartje share a look that I realize; we literally just talked like an old married couple. We didn't use words, just facial expressions and tilts of our head.

Wait a second, why is this happening? He doesn't like me; he can't. He likes Eva. Maybe it's a play to try to make Eva jealous she will get with him because Dirk is an idiot?

But, no, that isn't in his character.

Then what is he playing at? Why did both of us just do this?

I am cut off from my spiral of self loathing by Dirk grabbing my arm, and literally dragging me out of the room. I honestly can't promise both of us will survive this. I'm used to being the one doing the dragging and giving out orders, not the other way around.

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