Chapter 16

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"Are you okay?" Miguel asks. It's amazing how I can be having something akin to a midlife crisis, and no one else would know. Kind of a humbling thought.

"Of course," I respond, trying to keep a weird tone out of my voice. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You made that semi-joke thing, and then didn't carry on talking like you normally would. I thought you were just caught up in memories, so I didn't say anything. However, you've just stumbled really bad, so I just wanted to make sure nothing is medically wrong or something?" He explains, and I try not to coo in my head. That is sweet though.

I hate being in love. It's so painful. There's a difference between attraction, which I'm perfectly fine with feeling, and this. Attraction can go away, fairly easy too. It's mind over matter. With love it isn't. With love you love them to the day you die, and you'll be loyal to them, even when they aren't to you. I've lost more women and men to love than to death, it's pitiful. There isn't that much difference between them either; they both change your life forever.

"Thanks for the concern, but I'm fine." I say, and cringe in my head. Honestly, he'll be even more suspicious with this crazy change in my attitude.

"If you're sure," Miguel says in the most unsure voice.

"I promise, I am." I respond. Better. At least we're on the same street as your normal attitude. Of course, opposite ends of the streets, but still the same street. It's progress.

Miguel curls his lip as he survey's the ship. "Is something wrong?" I ask coyly.

"It's not fair. You guys have this amazing sailing ship, and us pirates have to salvage and steal. If only it was this easy," He says the last part, almost wistfully.

Offer him a spot in the IEA, One part of my head screams. The other is protesting with That would be way too unprofessional, sloppy, and suspicious.

"Luck, I guess." I respond, shrugging.

He just shakes his head, and mutters something I can't catch in Spanish, though maybe a couple of swear words are in there.

"Well, this ship will be very easy to sail. It was designed to only take one person to sail, as long as they're knowledgeable, and can hold ten." He says, setting up to cast off I presume.

"Well, it is our ship. Designed to transport a group quickly and undercover to a converted location," I point out, and he gives me a playful glare.

"Just out of curiosity, how deep does the IEA's purses go?" Miguel asks.

"Deep enough so I won't run out of money any time in my reign, or the one after mine either. And, this is presuming we don't get any donations from grateful politicians for saving someone. If in a pinch, we can also blackjack someone too, of course we'll have to kill them afterwards, but all in the name of preserving the true law instead of the law that takes bribes and can't be trusted." Miguel laughs at the last sentence.

"I'm not sure you guys are the best option to preserve the law," Miguel responds.

"Would you rather the idiots in the navy?" I ask, and he shakes his head.

"I think given those options, you guys are the best choice."

"Thought so. Whoa," I say, as Miguel does an extremely sharp turn. "You couldn't warn me?"

"Now, where would the fun in that be?" He asks, and I laugh.

"I think you've been taking some lessons from me."

"Why stay an apprentice when you can learn and eventually become the master?"

"Getting a bit ahead of yourself. One good comment and idea doesn't create years of them."

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