He's so ignorant

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How are you not going to listen to what I say then makes jokes when I get mad. Like it's not that hard to apologize or even understand what was wrong. He's just so- he's so ignorant." I rant to Jayla. " I think I like youngjae ." She says. I look over to her. " were you even listening to me." I roll my eyes.

Yugyeom POV
" I don't understand why she even got mad. It's not that serious anyway. She just boring is all." I say. "You know what you did wrong, done sit there and be oblivious." Youngjae responds. I close my eyes nodding. "Yeah it was kinda bad right?" I ask. "So make sure you apologize, don't want to loose the bet to early." Bambam says.

I walk to y/n while she's at her locker. "Hey y/n." She rolls her eyes and slams her locker. "What." She says. "I just wanted to apologize about last night. I'm sorry I made you mad, it wasn't my intention." I say to her. She looks at me with no emotion. "Are you actually sorry, or apologizing because it's what I want to hear." She says. I look around for a moment. "Ummm." She sighs deeply. "Goodbye yugyeom."  What did I do. Ugh.

Why me. Why did yugyeom all of a sudden decide to invite me to his stupid party. And why did I even go. At this point I'm more mad at myself than I am at him. "Hey , earth to y/n. You good." Jayla asked me. "Yeah , just thinking." She nods. " y/n , as yugyeom's friend  I'm sorry about what he did yesterday.  He tends to not think of others when it comes to certain situations. So I'm sorry." Youngjae says to me as he walks to his desk. "Thank you , and it's not your fault at all." I say. He nods and smiles at Jayla before sitting down.  "Oooh." I say poking Jayla on her side. "Stop, it was just a smile." She says, smiling.  "Yeah sure. That's was a " I really like you" smile." I tease her as I watch her blush.

Yugyeom POV
"Then after that she just walked away. I don't know what I did wrong." I say.  " you're apology wasn't genuine bozo. You have to make it seem like you mean it." Bambam hits me in the back of my head. "No, you have to actually mean it. You know what you did wrong. So start off my saying exact what you did , then apologize for it. If you really mean it." Youngjae says. "What is this, kindergarten." Bambam laughs.

"That's all for today class. We have some spare time so I will use it to assign you you're partners." The teacher says. This is perfect. "Y/n you will be with Elijah." He says. "Mr. Brown, I want to be y/n's partner. Plus Elijah loves like 40 minutes away from her and I'm
her neighbor. So we'll have more study time." I say smiling at him. "Whatever yugyeom." He says and rewrites the partners.

" So you're just doing stuff without asking people on their thoughts now." Y/n walks up to me. I give a confused face. " what, I was just tryna save you and Elijah the hassle." I smile. "Whatever, let's just get this book over with." She says rubbing her temples. "Don't be such a downer, I'm not that bad of a study partner." I say.

Ding Dong.  I run downstairs to open the door. "How do you live next door and still manage to be 20 minutes late." I say to yugyeom as I open the door. " I lost track of time." He says , but it seems like it was more of a question. "Make sure you put you're shoes on that mat." I say to him as I walk upstairs.

" I didn't know you still wore glasses." Yugyeom interrupts my reading. "Um, yeah but I only need them for reading now tho." I say. " you look good." He say nonchalantly. "Thx, now get back to your reading." I say as I lint to the book. " yes ma'am." He says.

"Alright bye." I say , holding the door for him. "Wait y/n... after what you said at the locker this morning I did some thinking and with the help of Youngjae  I finally realized.... The other night was never about if you have or haven't had your first kiss. It was about me overstepping boundaries. I wasn't listening to you when you said no and was only thinking of myself. I made you feel uncomfortable in a space that you were supposed to be having fun. And when I proceeded to make jokes about it. I am truly sorry and I hope you can forgive me." Yugyeom says while looking at me. I can tell he's genuinely sorry. I smile a little bit. " I'll think about it." I say. "Goodbye yugyeom. See you tmrw.

Yugyeom POV

She accepted my apology
Well almost accepted
Point it
The bet is still in motion 😌
Can't believe you almost messed it up so quick
I can't believe y'all
You guys need help

I decided last minute that I wanted Youngjae  instead of jinyoung for the side character 💀 my bad y'all. But hope y'all enjoyed this one.

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