She's kind of fun

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Yugyeom POV
Today I take my exam. I'm so nervous. I walk up to y/n and pace around while biting my nails. "Hey yug-". " What if I fail...then I'm gonna have to repeat 11th grade." I turn my head to y/n. " That can't happen." I say to her. She grabs my shoulders and looks me into the eyes. " calm down yugyeom, you're going to be fine. And technically you can't repeat a grade . You'll just repeat the class for this grade." She says to me.

"No cause If I don't get this grade up then I won't have enough credits without it." I nearly yell at her. She scratches her curls while her head is tilted to the side. "Oh...well you will still pass. You only need a 70." She looks up to me. " And If you just remember what I taught you then you'll be just fine." She says. I nod at her. Y/n takes my hand down from my mouth and pats my arm on my side. " as much as it would benefit me if you failed".. I give her a disappointed face. " I KNOW you will pass this exam, just calm down and focus.

"Thank you so much  y/n." Yugyeom rushes into me and wraps his arms around my waist. I stand there confused and with my arms open. I then quickly wraps my arms around him to make the situation comfortable....yugyeom sighs and slowly lets  go of me. " ok, I can do this." He says and stares into my eyes like he is looking for clarity of something...." Ok you can let go of my waist now , I say with a laugh. " oh..yeah." He lets go quickly. " see ya later." Yugyeom says as he walks off.

After school
I flopped down on my bed with a sigh. This day has been incredibly long for some reason. I haven't seen yugyeom since last period before his exam. I'm kind of nervous for him.

As if on cue, I hear a knock on my door. "Hold on." I say. I open my room door to see yugyeom holding his paper and smiling like a 2nd grader. " I got a B!!" He says in excitement.  "REALLY!!" I launch myself into his arms and hug him. After I realize what I did I quickly backed away. "Ahem." I clear my throat and try to avoid his eyes.

Yugyeom POV
" congratulations, I knew you'd pass but I didn't expect a B, I guess my tutoring paid off," she says smiling. Not quite. "Actually I was more motivated because if I pass then that mean we can hang out." I say while I smirk at y/n. She sighs in acceptance. " A deal is a deal , well do whatever you want this Saturday." She says and sits down on her bed. " But I really am impressed with your score." She says. I look down at my paper and see the large B on it. " Thank you, that means a lot to me," I smile at her... " ok, now get out of my house." She shoos me out with her hand.

After I get out the shower I start to get dressed.  I look through my closet for something to wear. No dress because I'm gonna be waking a lot. No shorts cause it's gonna be cold. No skinny jeans. I think I gained more weight, cause they're been fitting extra skinny on me recently.    As I go through my clothes I hear my phone ring.  "Hello yugyeom." Are you ready. "No, I'm not even dressed yet."  Ugh, fine I'll wait. Just hurry up pls. "Yeah whatever , I'll be ready in 30 minutes."  He's so inpatient.

Yugyeom POV
Y/n opens her door and I see her in some cargo pants with a Prince shirt on and her hair is out. " You look...pretty." I hesitated.  " Is that something new?" She asks. I roll my eyes playfully. " why can't you just take a compliment." I ask while I open the car door for her. "Thank you" she says with attitude in her voice. "Where are we going, you never told me." Y/n asks me as she looks out the window. "It's a surprise, but you'll like it." I say smiling. " you have no way of knowing if I'll like it or not." She scoffs. " yes I do, cause when we were younger it's all you ever talked about." I hear her gasp. She turns to me with wide eyes. "Really!!" I smile and nod. She keeps quiet the rest of the ride not wanting to ruin the surprise.

I remove my hands from her face. " You can open your eyes now." I whisper in her ear. She opens her eyes to see neon lights and ppl screaming on rides. " This is amazing, since when did this town have carnivals." She turns to me. " It doesn't, we're 30 minutes outside of town. I knew you'd like it." We look at each other in a comfortable silence.

"Cmon let's go before the lines get long." I grab yugyeom's hand and drag him along with me. "Are you scared." He asks me. "No." I say while tightening my grip on the handlebars. I take a deep breath and close my eyes before the ride starts. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh." I scream for my life.
" you were screaming like a baby." Yugyeom laughs at me. " I'm never going to a carnival again. It's nothing like I imagined." I pout. " Well you do tend to have an extensive imagination." He says while poking my head. I smile and swat his hand away.

"What do you want to eat from the stand." Yugyeom asks me. "Umm, I want a hot dog and a funnel cake and sprite ,oh and cotton candy." I say. " you sure you're going to eat all of that." He asks me. I give him a serious look. "Yes yugyeom, now go." I shoo him off with my hand. I smile and watch him walk off.

Yugyeom POV
" oooh, you got nachos." Y/n exclaims. I look up at her knowing what's coming next. " lemme get one." She reaches out while licking her lips. I slap her hand gently. ", they're mine." I say. "Pleasseee, I'll give you some of my funnel cake." She pouts. " ugh, fine." I always end up giving into her.
"Let's go on the Ferris wheal." Y/n taps my shoulder repeatedly. " ok fine but this is the last ride, it's getting late." I say. " yay." She screams.

" Looks at the starts, they're so beautiful. And you can see everything from up here." Y/n says. "Yeah...but why did we have to stop all the way up here." I hesitate and look down. " are you afraid of heights." Y/n nudges me in the shoulder. "Nooo...." I look at her trying to hold in her laugh. " c-can you hold my hand. At least until we get closer to ground." I ask her. She laughs. " Fine, you baby. She holds my hand and caresses it with her thumb.

" you know you're not that bad." Y/n says to me. I smile and turn to her. " you're not so bad yourself." I mock her. " you know at first I thought you were a playboy, annoying, rude, and did I mention annoying." She smirks. " okay I get it." I get closer to her. " but , the yugyeom I knew from 7th grade slowly started coming out." She whispers. " I'm glad that you were the one to bring out that side of me." I move her hair out of her face. " yeah." She inches closer to me. I also inch closer adverting my eyes from her lips to her eyes. As soon as we are about to kiss the cart starts moving. Y/n takes a deep breath and turns away from me.

The whole car ride y/n stays quiet and eventually falls asleep.

"Y/n wake up." I whisper in her ear and rock her body. She slowly opens her eyes. " we're home?" She asks. " yeah." I say smiling at her sleepy face. She slowly gets out of the car and walks to her door. Before walking in she turns around. " I..had a really fun time tonight." She slightly smiles. "Yeah, me too. Hopefully there can be another time we hang out ..just us two." I ask. " only if you keep your grades up...goodnight yugyeom." She walks in her house. " goodnight." I whisper.

This is the longest chapter I've written so far. I hope you guys enjoyed it.
Jay b first solo album under highr music is coming out on august 26, im so excited.

ALL YOUR FAULT (yugyeom Ambw)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें