All your fault

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I woke up with a smile on my face. All I could think about last night was yugyeom's "confession". Maybe I underestimated him. As I brush my teeth I get a text message. It's yugyeom. Walk to school together? Sure. I reply to him.

"Bye mom." I shout as I leave the door. I look up to see yugyeom on the sidewalk, waving with a pop tart in his hand. I smile and walk towards him. "Your blueberry pop tart." He hands it to me. "Thanks."  "You look pretty today." He says. "I always look pretty." I smirk. " I couldn't agree more." He winks at me. I roll my eyes. " is this your way of trying to get me to go to prom with you." He smiles widely. " is it working."  " Maybe." I wink and walk off. " Hey wait for me!!" He runs after me trying to catch up.

"Youngjae asked me to prom." Jayla excitedly tells me. A smile creeps onto my face. "Yugyeom asked me too." I say. She screams, drawing attention to us for a brief moment. "So you guys are together now?" She asks. "No, I didn't answer him yet but I'm leaning towards a yes. And maybe we'll get together after that. I don't know yet... but I think I really do like him." I say while smiling. "Enough about me though, how did youngjae ask you." "He stood outside my house with a boom box and there was a song playing. It was a song that he wrote and sang for me. It was so romantic, I think I might love this guy." She whispers to me. " you guys are so cute. Can't wait until the wedding." I poke her in her arm as I tease her.

I walk into the cafeteria looking for my friends. When I see them go over there with a smile on my face. "Hey guys." I smile. They all reply with a hey or a nod in my direction. Yugyeom winks at me while saying hey. I roll my eyes and sit next to Jayla. He frowns at me. "Okay guys I was thinking after prom we should go to jenson's after party. He has a pool at his house so bring bathing suits." Jayla says. " And let me us know what color you are wearing. We don't want to clash." Youngjae says as Jayla nods along with him.

"Oh so you asked her. Did you go with what I said.?" Bambam asks and youngjae nods making him smile. Jayla tune her head to Bambam then to youngjae then back to Bambam. "You were the some who suggested the boom book thing." She aks looking confused. "Yeah, I can be romantic sometimes." Bambam smiles. " anyway, I'm not going with anyone. Just gonna chill by myself. Yugyeom who you going with." He aks. Yugyeom turns to me and grins. "We'll I've been trying to convince y/n to go with me. But she's very hard to persuade." " you can't get everything you want in life yugyeom." I smirk.

" seems like the bet really worked out for you man." Bambam pats yugyeom on the back. As soon as I hear those words it just felt like the world slowed down. Every ones eyes widened and shifted to me. Meanwhile I was staring at yugyeom. "What." I hesitate to say. "What bet." "Ohh, I thought you knew. It was a bet to get you to like yugyeom." Bambam scratches his neck. I turn my head to yugyeom. " I was a fucking bet.!!" I yell, drawing attention to us. "Y/n listen, it's not that bad. I called it off when I realized I had feelings for you." He says. My eyes tear up. " You're a fucking asshole." I say and walk away trying to hold back my tears.
Yugyeom POV
"Y/n wait." Jayla screams. Youngjae pulls her back. " just let her be alone for a minute." He says. Jayla turns to me as I give her an apologetic look. Then she turns to youngjae. "Did you know about this." She asks. " Yes, but I was telling them it was a bad idea from the start. And I FIGURED that yugyeom would tell her about it after the bet." Youngjae stares at me. " I fucked up." I sigh

"I planned to tell her but I guess I should've told her sooner. I haven't seen her all day and I'm scared to go next door." I tell youngjae. He sighs. " I think you should give her some time before you speak to her." Youngjae says. I nod while I think of a way to apologize to her correctly.

" I can't believe I was so stupid to think he changed." I mutter into my pillow. "Yeah, he got me too. But on the bright side at least you guys didn't start dating yet. So it'll be easy to get over him." Jayla says while she rubs my back. I turn to her and she gives me a disgusted face. " There's snot all over you're face." She wipes it off with a tissue. " But the thing is , I don't know if I'll get over him. He was so nice to me, there's no way that what we had was fake." I say. " well youngjae told me that he said he was going to tell you during prom. But that doesn't make it any better girl. I'm not saying you have to stop liking him but you have to let him realize that what he did was wrong and the worst decision of his life. Cause no one is gonna mess with my best friends feeling and get away with it." Jayla says. " How do I do that, I say looking desperate. " Give yourself some space from him and then come to prom looking like a whole snack. Hopefully he'll come to his right mind and own up to his mistake. And if not then you may just have to move on, but at least you'll know where y'all really stand." She says making me laugh.

Sorry y'all school has been kicking my ass. But I'll try to upload more often.

Youngjae Album is coming out on October 5th!!!!!🎊🎊

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