She's so nerdy

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Yugyeom POV
After I get dressed I walk down to the kitchen. "Good morning sweetie." My says then kisses me on the cheek. "Morning." I head to the cabinet to grab some food for breakfast. "You're gonna eat that for breakfast." She asks me. " yeah, it's for y/n. We're walking to school together." I say. "Ohh, good to see you two getting a long again." She says.

I knock on y/n's door to see her mom open it. "Hi ms.y/l/n. Did y/n leave yet." I ask her. "Nope, she was just heading out tho. Y/n hurry up you have a guest." She says. I hear her run downstairs. " oh, hi." She says. "Let's walk to school together." I say smiling. "Um, sure." She's closed the door behind her. "Bye mom."

We walk in silence. "Nice outfit. I don't know you would wear such thing to school." I say. She takes her ear bud out. "Huh." I sign a little. " I said I don't know you would wear something so scandalous to school." I point to her skirt. She gives me the look she always gives me. " it was the only bottoms I had left. And it's not scandalous." She flicks me off. I laugh a little. "Oh I got you something." I pull out a blueberry pop tart. " you're favorite." " How do you know it's my favorite." She says grabbing the pop tart in a suspicious manner. " I see you eat them all the time, and you used to be obsessed with them in midden school." I say. She nods then silence falls between us.

"I thought we were walking to school together, where were you." Jayla says. "Ohh, sorry about that. Yugyeom asked if he could walk with me and you were late so I forgot to tell you I was leaving first." I say. "Yeah whatever, all of a sudden you and yugyeom are besties." She fake rolls her eyes. "Yeah right, and don't act like you and youngjae haven't been all up on each other." I say and she smiles.

" since when was the cafeteria this crowded." I say. "Look, youngjae is waving us over. Let's sit with them." Jayla pulls me along with her. "Hey guys." She says and I can already see youngjae start to blush. "Y/n come sit next to me, Bambam move." Yugyeom pushes Bambam aside. "Not cool bro." Bambam puts his hand on his chest like he's hurt.

Yugyeom POV
While all of us are having a conversation I notice that y/n is reading. She's been glued to that book all week. I put my hand out to cover the page she's on. Hey." She yells. " Are you really going to read while we're all having a conversation." I ask. "Uhh, yeah. Better than talking to you." She says. Jayla and Bambam laugh. " Yours such a nerd." I whisper enough for her to hear me. "And you're such and idiot." She says smiling.

I smirk and snatch the book out of her hands. "Fuck you , give it back." She puts her hand on my thigh while reaching for it. I extend my arm. " I'll give it back at the end of lunch if you talk to us." I say. She sighs. "Fine , but at least put the bookmark in. " she says. I smile and stick my tongue out at her playfully.

Most of our conversation was y/n bullying me. But she's was smiling so I guess I'm getting somewhere.

" See, it wasn't that bad having a conversation with people." I say as I give her back the book. "Whatever man, just don't be late for studying today or else this'll be the last conversation you and I have. " she says. "Don't threaten me with something I'll enjoy." I smirk at her and she flicks me off while waking away and swaying her hips.

"You're not late today. Wow." I say as I open the door. "Yeah and i bought snacks." Yugyeom says holding up a bag. "Well this is not a party, and those snacks are not going in my room so put them on the table." I say. He sighs and rolls his eyes. " Cmon let's get this over with, I'm already bored." He says and walks up stairs. He takes of his jacket leaving him in an almost see through white tank top. "Where do i put this." He asks me. "Uhh, you can just leave it on my bed." I say.

As we read I keep getting distracted because yugyeom is fidgeting with his hair. "Could you stop fidgeting with you're hair. It's very distracting." I say. "Sorry it's just in the way. Do you have a hair tie or something ." He says. I take the one of my wrist and give it to him. I then watch as he puts his hair half up half down. " what." He says. "Nothing." I quickly advertise my eyes. Keep it together y/n.

Yugyeom POV
That was my signature move. If she didn't see that as hot then idk what to do. " ok so what are your thoughts on the book so far." She asks me. " I think it's great, I love how they would do anything for love." I say. "Are we reading the same book, because what I see is a bunch of selfish white people who are crazy." Y/n says. I nod. " they're crazy , but they do it for live which makes it okay." I say. " So Tom being mad that someone likes his wife even though he cheated on her is okay. And George killing Jay because his wife died is okay." She says. I then come to realization. "Ohh, I never thought about it that way." I say. She just sighs. " This is gonna be a long project."

Not them flirting by bullying each other 💀
But imagine yugyeom work long hair and he wear it's half up half down like jay b did that one time 😩

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