She's right

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I woke up with puffy eyes. I may have cried last night about the the situation with yugyeom. I just don't know if I can forgive him. Even though he's changed who's to say he won't find another girl he is interested in and move on from me. Ugh, this is so confusing. I throw a hoodie on over my tank top and keep the sweatpants I was wearing to sleep on. I take my bonnet off and but my braids into a big bun. Before I leave the house I text Jayla to let her know I'm ready.

As soon as I close my house door I hear my name be called. Great. I look to the side to see yugyeom walking over to me. My eyes widened and I jog to the car. " Hurry and drive , yugyeom is coming." I say to jayla and she nods right away. When he leave the neighborhood I sigh. " Girl what happened to looking like a baddie and making yugyeom realize what he lost." Jayla turns to me. " I had a bad night last night girl. And plus I don't have to get all dolled up to make yugyeom realize what he did was stupid." I say and Jayla nods. "That's my girl, you are more than enough and if he doesn't see that then that sounds like a personal problem." She says making me smile.

Yugyeom POV
I walk into the school searching for Y/n. I know she's mad at me but I tried to talk to her this morning, and that obviously didn't work. Despite that I'm gonna try again, I can't give up. I spot her talking to youngjae and Jayla near the lockers. As I walk over we make eye contact for a brief moment and I watch as her smile fades. She rolls her eyes and walk off to class. "Y/n pls just give me a chance" I yell to her. "I told you to give her some time." Youngjae says as he pasts me on my shoulder. I sigh." Yeah I know, but I wish she would at least let me explain to her." I say. " she'll come around." Youngjae says and Jayla nods.
" How is she." I look over to Jayla. "Umm, she's handling it..... that's all I can really say." Jayla nervously says. I sigh. "But....I do know that it's been a long time since she opened up to someone like she did to you. And you took that for granted , you took her for granted. So whatever you do to make it up to her make sure you seriously mean it. Not just a simple sorry will fix everything." Jayla says and walks off.

I walk into the cafeteria and sit down in my normal seat. "Hey, didn't think you'd come." Youngjae smiles. " yeah I'm not gonna let him ruin the only time I can have conversations with y'all." I say smiling at Jayla and youngjae. "We'll you don't have to worry about that today." Jayla nods over to the table across the room. " I guess he wanted to give you some space." Youngjae says. I feel him staring, so I look over to his direction, he smiles lightly as we make eye contact. Before I can react a girl sits next to him and rubs him on his shoulder. I look away and down at my plate.

Yugyeom POV

" Hey yugyeom, why are you all by yourself." Kynnedy says as she rubs my shoulder. I shrug her off. " None of your business." I say coldly. " oh ik why, it's because you got dumped by y/n." She snickers. "Cmon baby, you know you can do better than her anyway. How about you come to my place later." She leans in closer and puts her hand on my thigh. I back up and roll my eyes. "Leave Kynnedy." I say sternly. "Whatever." She gets up and leaves. I turn back to y/n's direction to see her and Bambam talking. And his hand in hers?

" Hey y/n I just wanna say sorry. The whole bet started became of me. I didn't think that he would actually go through with it." Bambam says looking apologetic. I slightly smile. " it's ok Bam. You weren't the one who agreed to it, he was. Plus it's kit even about the bet, I just wish he would've told me earlier." I say. " yeah I feel your pain, especially now." "What happened." I ask. He sighs. " The girl I was supposed to go to prom with cheated on me. She claimed she loved us both and couldn't choose." He says and I see a year in his eye. I put my hand on his. " it's gonna be ok, you deserve better than someone like her. I say.
" hey how about you guys go to the prom together. Platonic of course. Since you're both heartbroken you can comfort each other." Jayla says. Me and bam smile.

Yugyeom POV

I walk up to Bambam before I leave the school. "Hey man." I say. " Oh hey, look I'm sorry about the whole bet thing." He says. "It's fine, I'll deal with it....but what's going on between you and y/n." I ask. "Huh." He says. " I saw y'all's hands on each other's at lunch, what was that about." I say annoyed. "Ohhh, she was just helping me through some stuff. Since we're both kinda heartbroken right now I went to her for help." He says. " oh, ok" I say calmly. " But we are going to prom together." He says. "Ok- wait WHAT." My eyes widen. " Don't worry man it's a platonic thing, we're just going to comfort each other. I promise I'm not tryna steal your girl." I sigh. " But if you get her back in the future, a little tip is she doesn't take lying lightly. I mean that's the main reason why you're in this predicament anyway." Bam pats me on my shoulder and leaves

Hey guys . I think next chapter is gonna be the last one. I already started the next book. Who do you think is our next candidate 😏.

 Who do you think is our next candidate 😏

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Barefaced Yugyeom 😩😩✨

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