I Love You (IronStrange)

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Part 2 of I Woke Up (IronStrange)

Tony's Pov:

"Ok ready?" Steve asked and I nodded and then he tossed the ball and I caught it...you know if someone told me I'd be playing catch with Captain America I would have laughed then punched them in the face...but here I am playing catch with Steve at a park while Barnes watches.

"He still seems stiff." Bucky said.

"Well he still has to favor that leg a bit Buck...Bruce did what he could but he's not good in that kind of stuff." Steve said...Bruce had made me a brace...I could make it better. "I think he's doing great." Steve said and I grinned. Thanks Steve.

"Steve, Bucky." I looked at Nat and Clint.

"You're turn...right...Tony have fun." Steve said and it was so weird...everyone was so fond of me and genuinely liked me...was weird...We were back at the tower and well if Stephen knew what these two were teaching me...I mean they wanted me to be able to defend myself which I can understand. We hadn't even started when my nose suddenly itched and I sneezed making the two pause.

"You alright?" Clint asked and I blinked.

"Ye-" I coughed and the two frowned...I frowned at the sudden dizzy spell and the two's eyes widened as I went down...I blinked as the two talked fast.

"Sick? How?" Clint asked.

"Does he have a fever?" Nat asked and I hand on my forehead as I sniffled...my nose becoming all stuffy and awful.

"He's a bit warm." Clint said.

"Shit." Nat said. "Let's get him to Dr. Cho." She said.

"Stephen." I said and coughed...I frowned at the feeling...yup getting sick.

"We'll call him...right now you're our concern buddy." Clint said softly and helped me up...Nat was on her phone and I blinked. "Ok come on." Clint said and the two walked me to Dr. Cho's floor...she froze.

"Tony...How is my fav-" She stopped and frowned. "What's wrong?" She asked rushing over.

"Sick." I mumbled.

"Yeah buddy." Clint said softly.

"Alright let's check on you." Dr. Cho said softly and I blinked as she did the normal check up on me...slowly one by one the team joined us till Stephen's portal opened and I smiled as he walked out.

"Stephy, welcome ba-" I started having a coughing fit and everyone tensed while Stephen paled.

"What's wrong!? Is he alright?" He asked rushing over as I wheezed...fuck...

"He's caught a cold it seems..." Dr. Cho said.

"Aw poor Tony." Bruce said.

"I wonder why?" Clint said and everyone glared at Sam but Stephen.

"Guys he was so excited about the rain...I couldn't say no." Sam said.

"Don't...mean." I said and they looked at me. "Not Sam's fa-" I coughed and Stephen frowned then Levi landed on me snuggling me.

"Easy." Stephen said softly and I smiled a little

"I suggest rest and plenty of water." Dr. Cho said.

"Got it." Clint said and I blinked...Stephen carried me and I stared as the Avenger's made the couch up...I stared as they got blankets and pillows...Why...Why couldn't it be like this before? Why couldn't we get along like this? I froze...was it me? Was I that bad? I did push people away but...I thought...maybe it was me...maybe it was shit I said and that's why it's ok now. I was sat down and Stephen paused.

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