Master Stephen (IronStrange)

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Ok this is going to be a dark one...Stephen is a Alpha(Bad Guy kind of) and Omega's are slaves...He bought Tony as a play thing and just something to breed. Tony used to being mistreated and used didn't complain...ALL THE SMUTT PLZ

BIG OL' Smutt Warning

Hi Smutty Friend here with this lovely hope you like it...had...artsy friend (I guess is what she calls them) do the nicer bits cause honestly I was making it some dark shiz and ya'll probably wouldn't have liked it...we are making a part yeah Artsy friend is who you wanna thank for me not making Strange a full on monster XD

It starts with smutt so you have been warned.

Tony's Pov:

"He'll be your master so make sure you behave yourself...He's not nice if you fuck up." I looked at the Omega. "I'm just glad you're his breeding tool and not none of us." He scoffed and left me standing there...I looked at the robe...easy access for breeding...of course...I grabbed it...Here we go...I yelped as I was grabbed aggressively and thrown on the couch...then choked as I was pushed into...I grunted as the Alpha had his way with me each thrust forcing himself deeper making me whimper till finally his knot formed and he was spilling into me...Ow...The next time was the same way...just as aggressive...the third time I had walked into the library because I had been ordered to go there. I was grabbed roughly and pulled into his lap...I thought here we go again but choked on a moan when a hand took hold of me rubbing me...Oh.

"That feel good?" He purred against my ear...It did but I wasn't about to tell him that...At least that's what I thought when he suddenly moved me forcing me to look at him. "Answer me." He growled.

"Yes, Master." I choked.

"Good boy." He said and kept going making me grit my teeth cause I wasn't sure what to do...this was uncharted territory. I blinked as he suddenly stood and sat me in his chair...what is he...He got on his knees...wait...wait...what!? I choked eyes burning with tears cause holy fuck that feels so...damn good...Oh god...more please. I moaned as he sucked me down...I didn't understand what was happening... "You are beautiful...when Wong bought you for me as a toy he picked such a pretty thing." Master purred licking me making me gasp.

"But now that I've gotten my knot in you...I don't think I like that." He said making me blink confused. "Cause you don't want it...and I want you to want it...I want those pretty lips to beg for it." I moaned as a finger slid in me...then I felt myself slick...Oh. "Oh...this is a first...does it feel that good?" He asked and I moaned as he kept thrusting and rubbing and holy fuck... "You just don't know what to you?" He asked and kissed my stomach. "You are just falling apart and have no idea what is happening." He growled and added a second finger.

"I'll tell you...I've decided...I'd rather watch you fall apart...rather see you cry out in ecstasy than me knot you...I like seeing your pretty face like this...I want you to seek me out for this...I want you to come to me and beg for my knot or for you to just walk in and take it. I want you to be addicted to find me and just use me to Pleasure yourself." He growled lowly then he took me in his mouth again making me gasp...Oh fuck...I was fighting it...mainly cause I did not know if this was a test or a game or what...then he sucked me all the way down with a purr and nope...I lost it with a loud cry as a male Omega I have a dick but instead of balls I had female parts so our organisms were fucking crazy...I blinked coming back to myself...pretty sure my soul left my body for a minute...I blinked and looked at the Alpha who was watching me with dark eyes...he licked his lips making me shudder.

"Don't you just look relaxed..." He purred and I swallowed...he was going to want to knot me now...right. I blinked as he helped me up pressing a soft kiss to my temple. "You may leave." He said and I blinked...but...I could smell the Alpha's arousal...but...I...what? Wait had he been serious? He was reading again...I left...and he didn't touch me after...I won't was driving me crazy after having a taste of real fucking pleasure...Oh fuck...I'm a slut...I found Master in his room getting ready for bed...he looked at me. "Yes?" He grinned looking like he won a prize...

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