The Tragic End (IronStrange)

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Part 3 of Starting Over (IronStrange)

I sent this to Iz saying I needed an end but she was busy...I told J-bean I was kind of wanting a sad end...I was not ready for J-bean to just destroy me like I'm sick and crying. Also didn't know they had it in them to actually make sad endings...

Tony's Pov:

"He'll always have that darkness." Wong had told me... "If something ever happens to you though it might tip the balance." Wong said and I laughed weakly at the memory as I stared up at the clouds as it rained...

"Anthony? When would you like to get married?" Stephen asked.

"Up to you, wiz." I said and he hummed.

"I'm thinking spring..." Stephen said.

"Sounds perfect to me." I said. "I'll wear a white suit...think I can pull it off?" I asked.

"You look beautiful in anything." He said softly.

"Sap." I said and he laughed.

"Tony!? Where are you?" Steve shouted in the comm...I choked as my eyes's really raining hard...I choked on a sob.

"May have this dance?" Stephen asked grinning and I snorted.

"Jay...really?" I asked.

"I am setting the mood sir." Jarvis said and I laughed...I took Stephen's hand carefully and he pulled me close...He smiled down at me as we danced...I laughed as we floated...

"Ok show off." I said.

"I can't help that you just make me feel so light on my feet. Like I don't have so much weight on me." He said softly and I smiled.

"I feel the same Stephy." I said.

"I love you." He said softly as we swayed slowly.

"I love you too." Stephen said softly.

"Has anyone seen Strange!?" Steve shouted...

"No! TONY!?" Clint shouted and thunder crackled in the sky...

"You know...we've been back together for a year now." I said and he hummed.

"We have." He said.

"So...that wedding?" I asked and he laughed.

"Christine wants to plan it." Stephen said.

"Oh gods...Pepper wants to as well." I said.

"They'd make a good team actually." Stephen said.

" know what let's let them do it." I said and he took my hand pressing a kiss to it.

"Ok." He said softly.

"You look kind of tired." I said.

"Yeah, just didn't sleep well last night." He said.

"Ok." I said.

"I saw Tony and Stephen earlier together...They were pinned down." Bucky said.

"Time to cut the cake." Pepper said and I laughed as Stephen and I went to cut the cake...He fed me a piece getting and I gave him a playful look and shoved a piece in his face making him sputter. I went to run and he caught me.

"Oh no you don't." He said and I screamed as he rubbed his face on mine successfully smearing cake on me making me laugh.

"Stop!" I laughed.

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