Starting Over? (StrangeIronPanther)

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A Universe where Tony didn't marry Pepper or have like any of that happiness but still snapped for the Universe only to wake up in Afghanistan. (More in next message)

Sorry it's so late >_< but it's really long and I am working on a part 2 cause it's just super long and I just couldn't stop writing it...hope you enjoy it and it's what you wanted. I'll try to get part 2 to you tomorrow but no promises. -J

Tony's Pov:

"I just can't get my happy ending can I...can't even die." I snapped and the explosion went off behind me...yeah fuck you long desert walk later and Rhodey was right on time...I tuned him out hearing all this before...or I thought...what did he just say!? "Whoa Rhodes...what?" I asked.

"I said those two have been worried sick about you and the amount of money they spent sending people out to look for the way one of them now doesn't have a place to live and moved in with his friend." I blinked...two?

"Who?" I asked and he froze.

"What do you mean who? Your boyfriends." He said and I stared blankly at him which made him tense. "Shit do remember your boyfriends right?" He asked...Do I lie?

"Yeah...just um...Just to check you know who you're talking about why don't you say there names." I said and he cursed.

"Stephen is going to fucking lose his shit and T'Challa...well who knows what he'll do." Rhodey said.

"I'm sorry...I'm dating T'Challa and Stephen!?" I asked.

"So you know them but don't remember dating them?" Rhodey asked...ok...uh...shit how do I act?

"Rhodey...I had a missile blow up in my face...sorry my memory is kind of...fucked." I said.

" shouldn't stay alone...I can stay at the tower for a while." He said.

"Just have one of my boyfriends do it...I mean...ones a doctor...right?" I asked acting like I wasn't sure. "One is a doctor..." I said.

"Yeah buddy..." He frowned looking worried.

"I need to make an announcement as well." I said.

"Hospital first." He said.

"If you get me in I won't be leaving if my so called Doctor boyfriend works there." I said.

"Right...ok announcement then hospital." He said. One announcement later and doctors hovering around me realizing they couldn't do shit...

"Move!" I blinked and I looked down the hall seeing a very exhausted looking Strange in his doctor get up...note to self...Strange really pulls off the doctor look. I startled as I was pulled into a hug.

"Anthony oh god your so skinny why aren't you on fluids?" He asked looking at the doctors.

"He refuses to stay." Stephen frowned looking at me. "Strange...we'll talk on the way to the tower." Rhodey said and he looked worried now...We got in the limo and I looked at Stephen who was watching me eyes filled with worry. "Ok...he wouldn't stay cause apparently...he uh...doesn't do well around needles and shit." Rhodey said.

"It was just a little thing." I mumbled.

"Tones you lost your damn shit and was screaming bloody murder so shut it." Rhodey hissed and I frowned...Stephen paled. "He had a panic attack...and started screaming all kinds of shit they had to sedate him." Rhodey said.

"Was a lovely little nap." I said.

"Only for him to wake up and freak out again." Rhodey sighed. "So they and I agreed it's best he just goes home and has someone watch over him." Rhodey said.

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