Repeating Days (GammaIronStrange)

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Tony gets stuck in a time loop repeating the same day over and over and can't figure out why until he talks to a certain sorcerer about it. GammaIronStrange pls...ABO Stephen's a cinnamon roll and shall be protected.

Done -J

Tony's Pov:

"Morning Tony." Bruce said.

"Morning, Brucie Bear." I purred and he snorted...I loved the Beta...We were bonded...mates...soulmates even...we loved each other. The day was normal...meetings in the morning and then Doom being doom...then snuggling with I went to bed with Bruce as normal...only to wake up and for...things the same...has it become that routine? I went to bed and...

"Morning Tony." Bruce said.

"Morning...Bruce..." I said and he froze.

"Something wrong?" He asked...

"No I think it's fine..." I said and I waited cause here in a secon-

"Ow!" I blinked as Clint came crashing down out of the vents and breaking them...

"CLINT! Are you ok!?" I mouthed along with Bruce.

"I'm Tony." Clint said and I mouthed along...What the fuck? So on the 5th day I realized...

"Bruce!" I choked and he startled. "I'm stuck in a fucking time loop." I said and he raised a brow.

"Um...What?" He asked and I moved him.

"Clint's going to break the vents in 3...2...1" I said and Clint came falling out.

"Clint! Are you o-" Bruce trailed off as I mouthed his words.

"I'm Tony." Clint said and I mouthed a long.

"Oh...Oh no..." Bruce gave me a worried look.

"Now Nat is going to come in and call Clint a clutz." I said and Nat walked in seeing Clint then snorted.

"Nice job, clutz..." Nat said and Bruce's eyes widened.

"How...long have you been stuck?" Bruce asked.

"5 days." I said.

"Have you tried to do different things yet?" Bruce asked.

"No...but I'm going to skip my meetings..." I said...which I did and nope...didn't fix it...Explaining this to Bruce again...then this time not fighting Doom...then fighting Doom in different ways...taking different routes...I tried everything...but at day 35...I'm going fucking crazy.

"BRUCE!" I shouted.

"I get it Tony but...I don't know what else to tell you if you have done all of this...there has to be something you are missing." Bruce said. "Anything...maybe something small...something you just shrugged of." He said...I frowned trying to think...meetings... ...going to the coffee shop on my way home and bumping into that dude...heading home and then Doom and...wait...I got up. "Tony?" He asked.

"May have figured it out." I said rushing off...I went to the coffee shop at the exact time and...I did it exactly the same...I bumped into them.

"Sorry." He said and I froze because I usually rushed on out.

"It's fine." I said and looked at the...Alpha. It's an Alpha and...he's honestly hot as fuck...wait...what's with his outfit.

"Something wrong?" He asked.

"What's with the outfit?" I asked and the Alpha finally looked at me...our eyes meeting and I knew...You're my soulmate.

"Oh Tony Stark...I'm Dr. Strange Sorcerer Supreme." He said and I blinked.

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