Slayed Heart (StrangeIronPanther)

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Ok Can I get a Dragon Slayer T'Challa, Dragon Stephen, and Prince Tony.Soulmates maybe and ABO. 

Yes, part 2 tomorrow-J

Tony's Pov:

"Hurry up Omega!" I yelped as I was shoved and fell...ow...I didn't move to get up...Why should I? I'm literally digging my own grave. No seriously...My father died and I was supposed to take over well...People don't want an Omega ruling them so...They revolted and the guards had made no move to save me...I choked because I had never got to find my mates...I never even got to fall in love...This sucked...I'm fucking 20 and I thought my people would be happy with me ruling but nope... "GET UP!" I yelped as I was jerked up. "Now keep digging." He snapped...

"No." I said.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"Why should I? You're just going to kill me no matter what." I said.

"You dig that hole or I'll knot you right here." He snapped and I paled...I had never been knotted and sure as hell didn't want some stranger to do it...I got back to digging as the rain picked up.

"You know...I never got to knot a Prince before." I froze...No.

"Maybe we should?"

"They said to kill him."

"Yeah but we can do that after we have our fun with him or...just knot and make him a breeding slave...I mean were wasting a young Omega."


"Plus the other Alpha's would probably agree." I dropped the shovel and ran while they were distracted. "Hey!" I heard and I fucking didn't stop...I saw an arrow hit a tree...There! I ran for the cave...I'll hide in the-

"AH!" I cried slamming to the ground as the arrow went through my

"You know...a breeding slave sounds like a great job for our ex Prince." I I tried to back up. "Let's try him out first." I screamed and struggled as they grabbed me ripping my shirt then we all froze as we heard a deep rumble...They turned and I looked behind me to see gold eyes in the darkness of the cave. What is that? It growled deeply and made me tense more when it started to teeth glinting and...

"Dragon...Dragon!" They shouted and I yelped as I was being dragged...Let go I'd rather take my chances with it! They didn't let go though and we made it back to the road.

"That was close."

"Yeah...fuck...It should stay at it's home."


"Yeah was probably pissed we were near it. Now...where were we?" I paled...I struggled, and the horses suddenly let out terrified noises when a dragon landed right in front of us...It's black scales looking like onyx and I saw the soft on it's head...It had a streak of grey in it...It snarled and they screamed when it suddenly grabbed the one who screamed and struggled. The other guy getting on the horse and running...I swallowed and didn't move...The dragon stared at the Alpha man before just tossing him away making me wince at the branches breaking then him hitting the ground...It stared at me and I stumbled falling on my ass with a hiss of pain...Shit...shit...It's snout was inches from touching me...I heard it sniffing...then it made a deep rumble...pupils becoming rounded and gold fading to a blue green...W-what?

"H-hi." I said scared and it blinked looking around then back at me...I yelped as I was lifted and carried away...Shit...shit! I was taken back to the cave which looked the ducked down a little and it felt suddenly warmer...I blinked as candles lit the cave and I was shocked at the furniture inside. Bookshelves everywhere and I saw the room full of riches that we passed before I was brought to a nest...I tensed as I was sat down in it and...Oh my god what is this?

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