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Ok so this isn't what i normally do but I wanna post even though i don't know what to write so enjoy these cute head cannons :) Oh basically i should explain this before I write but this will be if you were dating them


She pretends to hate showing affection but when your alone she loves to huge you and kiss you

She loves to touch your face

When you too hang out she likes to show you music

Loves to cook with/for you even though she sucks at it

definitely loves to cuddle with you


Loves to do fashion shows with you

Would 100% spend like all day with you watching movies and eating chips

Loves to show affection

Would call you cute nicknames

Would sneak out in the middle of the night to hang out


Would spend hours talking about theories with you

Would watch youtube with you

Doesn't really like showing affection

Really awkward and shy

Would hang out with you in forts you guys built together


LOVES showing affection

When you slept in his bed or he slept in yours he would play with you hands/fingers when he couldn't sleep

Always does a cute/dorky smile after y'all kiss/make out

Would brag to his friends about you

Loves to cuddle you/ hug you


Acts tough but is a total softie to you

Shows affection but only in private

Loves to kiss in public places but like hidden (behind the building, bathrooms, etc.) because she finds it fun

Definitely would give you a pep talk whenever you are feeling sad/down

would brag so much about to everyone about you ("I learned how to shoot a basketball with my eyes closed" WELL MY PARTNER KNOWS HOW TO SHOOT A BASKETBALL FROM ACROSS THE COURT!")

Ok yeah i might do more of these since there fun and quick so be looking forward to that 🥴

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