Chapter 1

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The night sky was glowing despite the city's lights, the pale moon was full, and Y/n found herself imagining how lovely it would be to get kidnapped by a werewolf. She closed her eyes, trying to attract Jacob from twilight, but the only thing she heard were the distinctive call of an annoying owl near her apartment complex.

She shut the window with rage, not because she couldn't attract her movie crush but because she heard her parents arguing again. It's been like this for days, her mother's anger issues were affecting the whole family image, her dad had enough and decided to open up for once and it lead to multiple fights, one dragging another one. 

A heavy sigh escaped her lips before hurrying out of her room, wearing her converse and getting out of the apartment, slamming the door shut which startled both of her parents.

She hated getting shouted at, but she despised hearing others yelling at each other. Getting out of her home due to their constant fighting was nothing new to her parents, and it usually lead them to calm down for a bit before apologising when she came back.

It was a Saturday night, around 10 p.m, so the streets were quite lively but her neighbourhood was quite and calm which is in her advantage. She had nosy neighbours before moving here and she had the urge to poison them once, well obviously she didn't but the idea still lurks somewhere in her mind which made her crack a smile. 

She decided a small stroll around the street would relieve her anxiety, so she walked avoiding any busy road. Tokyo was very bustling, even when it was at night. And the fact that the summer vacation was near made it even more lively. 

She arrived near a small playground, where she found few swings, a steel merry go round and a slide that she decided to sit on, before playing around for a bit. She liked it when playground were dead silent, with no kids around to bother her with their annoying high-pitched voice that tickled her nerves. 

And then she saw a Persian black cat walking in front of her. The sight itself was very amusing because the cat had a funny way of walking, he kept swaying his hips left and right, walking gracefully and then he abruptly stopped before looking at Y/n's way. 

Her cheeks lifted as a huge smile made its way to her face, she walked slowly to not afraid the frail creature before her eyes, whispering "Neko-chan" to attract his attention. And damn he looked at her as if she was a burden, before going back to where he came from. 

Disappointment. That's all what she felt currently, she's been dying to have a cat for so long but her dad is allergic so she couldn't get one, not until she gets her own apartment. She already planned ahead his name 'Fuwafuwa', his entire life, his daily schedule and so on. But this cat made her feel so unloved that she felt sad...scratch that, she set it a goal to make this cat love her.

Starting from that day, Y/n decided to buy treats, toys and anything a cat would like in order to lure him in and play with him in the playground

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Starting from that day, Y/n decided to buy treats, toys and anything a cat would like in order to lure him in and play with him in the playground. Her first attempts were anything but successful, he scratched her many times which made her hands bleed a lot, but she didn't give up. 

Until one day he let her pet him, which felt like a huge victory to her. That's when she got to see his name on the small collar hanging around his cute fluffy neck. 'Peke J'.

She started laughing when she read his name, the person who named him was the laziest person ever but she found herself instantly cringing when she remember Fuwafuwa. 

"Oya, I see you're making fun of Peke J's name." Joked a voice behind her back which startled her. She got up from her sitting position, mentally preparing her apology speech before facing the person who spoke to her. 

Instead of facing a man, she was in front of a boy near her age, with a short blond hair and undercut, his emerald green eyes that made him look calm. But what she noticed was his earring that made him look cool. He was wearing a black tee , blue jeans and his shoes. And despite his casual appearance, Y/n stood in awe in front of him, admiring his feature that were complimented by the lights reflected. She forgot how to speak so she simply smacked her cheeks which earned her a soft laugh escaping from his lips, and boy does his voice sound like a music to her ears. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He chuckled before sitting down, mentioning that It was okay for her to sit next him. 

"No you didn't, I was just having my own party because he let me caress him for once." she chirped while clapping softly still proud of herself. 

"That means he started liking you, he doesn't let strangers get near him." 

"I hope you're not mad, I've been playing with him for the past few days. I've seen him here everyday and I thought he was a stray cat, at least not until I read what was written on his collar." she mumbled, embarrassed by her sudden confession. 

"Oh I don't mind at all, I was surprised when I saw what happened few seconds ago. He's been disappearing by night and I thought It was strange so I decided to follow him today. Peke J surely knows how to flirt with beautiful girls." He bubbled before stroking his cat. 

On the outside she remained calm but on the inside she felt like a volcano just irrupted, her insides twisted and her mind went hazy but she tried to stay calm. But the blush on her cheeks failed her which made the boy next to her laugh while clutching his stomach.

They talked for a bit, his name was Chifuyu Matsuno, they were in the same grade and both of them held a lot of love for animals especially cats. He eventually told her she could come play with Peke J whenever she wants to and showed her where he lived. His apartment complex was visible from the park which explains why Peke J shows up here instead of somewhere else. He also told her how much he wants to own his own pet shop when he grows up, to which Y/n replied how much she wanted to become a veterinarian. 

How much they got along was surprising, it made Y/n happy that a small cat reunited her with such a humble soul. He was calm and polite, he surely knew how to hold a conversation and made it less awkward for her. They ended up debating on how much feelings affect animals, Y/n read a book about It so she knew a lot of useful informations. Chifuyu had a cat and exactly knew how he reacted when he was sad or happy. 

It was 11 p.m and both of them had school tomorrow so they decided to wrap it up, they've been talking for nearly 2 hours and their conversation went from awkward to lively. Y/n laughed with him as If she knew him since forever, and for once, all her stress melted away leaving the place to happiness and cheerfulness. 


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