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Ro is in the MM...


Ro never answered the phone when I called her. I knew she knew that I knew about the Facebook post. If she didn't then why was she avoiding me? I had just pulled into my mom's driveway! I saw my sister's car was here. Good! She's been begging to see Sofia. Her and Keisha didn't know each other that well. She never really felt comfortable asking for her. But I know Keisha wouldn't tell her no. I would have to get them together so my sister didn't feel so awkward with asking for Sofia. I grabbed my baby out of her seat and went into my mom's house. I announced myself.

"We're in the kitchen!" I went into the kitchen where my mom and sister were sitting. They both jumped up and ran to me once they saw I had Sofia!

"Nana's Pretty Girl! Hey Sofia!" She grabbed her out of my arms!

"Hey Ma, where's Aiden?" I looked around for my son.

"Ro came and got him. She said something about y'all meeting to do something."


I was confused. Ro told me she was gonna be out today and that she dropped Aiden off with my mom and asked me to get him later. Which was fine because I was taking Sof over to see her, then head home for our weekend. Now she has him. That's weird. I tried calling her again and got her voicemail. I got tired of calling her so I put my phone in my pocket and said fuck it. I'll see her when I see her.

"What's up little bro? You got something on your mind?" I guess she could see it in my face that I was getting annoyed.

"Nah not really, it's just that Ro asked me to get Aiden. Only for her to come get him. That was stupid."

"I thought the same thing. She was being kinda weird when she got here. Like she had a attitude. Oh and I saw her little post on Facebook. I was about to check her ass but Ma told me to chill. What the fuck was all that about?"

"I really don't know. Ro ain't never told me about her having a problem with Sofia or Keisha. Keisha doesn't disrespect her or even overstep her position. She takes care of Sofia with or without me. Whatever I do is a bonus but I'm her dad so it's never a bonus I'm apart of her life!"

"I feel you! But maybe she is feeling some type of way. Have you asked her how she's feeling recently? This gotta be coming from somewhere."

"Ro doesn't want to talk. Like I said she's been acting normal. But I'm gonna get to the bottom of it." I was annoyed at this point. I just wanted to confront her and put it all on the table.

"When you do, tell Ro I said if she willingly came her ass back to you then my grand baby wasn't a issue. If it was, y'all didn't have to get back together. Y'all could've co parent just like you and Keisha. Keisha don't bother you or that girl. If anything you should've been with her. Ro ain't never sat right with me. She was always hot in the ass. Money hungry and never really supported you. Like when you got hurt and quit playing ball. She left. Then came back when saw she couldn't raise Aiden alone." My mama chimed in.

"Ma where is this coming from? You ain't never said nothing about not liking her before." I gave her my undivided attention. I wanted to hear more.

"Always felt like this. But I never said nothing because you were in love with her and I can't tell you how or who to love. That's stupid. Then she had my grandson I looked passed it and embraced her." I rolled my head over to my sister to see if she had anything to say.

"What? I don't have nothing against the girl. I just don't like when she holds my nephew over your head. Like if you're not with her you can't see Aiden. It's childish and selfish. But you won't let me beat her ass so I don't really say nothing. On top of that she's always in and out of your life, she only wants to come around when she thinks you're moving on. Like she only wants you to be with her."

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