You're Lucky

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One month later...


I was currently on FaceTime with DeMiya, Jo and my handsome nephew Tyson! She had him a week after we returned from Anguilla! I was currently 6 months pregnant expecting another baby girl

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I was currently on FaceTime with DeMiya, Jo and my handsome nephew Tyson! She had him a week after we returned from Anguilla! I was currently 6 months pregnant expecting another baby girl. Lawrence got what he wanted his little girl. He kept screaming we need one more to even us out. But how this little girl was kicking my ass and how her siblings and daddy were currently getting on my nerves. That last baby could wait. I'm going on birth control!

"How's Mommy life treating you Jolisha?" DeMiya asked.

S/N: her name is Jolita or Jo. DeMiya is the only one who calls her Jolisha. It's a childhood nickname, their grandfather used to mess all their names up and call them everything but their names. DeMiya thought Jolisha was funny and has been calling her that ever since.

"It's been great! He's such a sweet baby! He's obsessed with his daddy's voice. He could crying his heart out and all Ty has to say is, "Hey Boy! Cut it out!" and he's quiet!" Jo beamed.

"Awww! I wish Lawrence kids did that. These kids think everything is funny. Sofia thinks he's a joke. The other day she was in here messing and shit. Why did I tell Lawrence to get her. She laugh at that man and kept doing shit. Same with A's ass! These kids aggy man!" I pouted as I ate my cereal.

"See that's why I don't want kids! They hard headed as hell. Ra and Zeke give me enough hell and I can send their bad asses home. But give me a Taylor then I might reconsider."

Deja's daughter Taylor is such a sweet baby! I watched her a few times with Sofia and she was less work than my own child. Deja got lucky. My kids are a wild bunch!

"Speaking of Deja, she really dating Anandi's ex!"
I asked. I saw Jo roll her eyes and started focusing on the baby!

"Yes Chile. That boy love the fuck out of Deja already! Tay even mess with him. She low key even looks like him too. They look like a little family!"

"That's crazy!"

Was all Jo said. I on the other hand thought it was funny! Anandi always in somebody's man face and now my little cousin did it to her now folks want to be mad. Jo. Jo is folks.

"Nah what's crazy is Jo over there big mad! Them people grown as fuck. They can do wtf they want to do. You can't help who you like!" DeMiya said. I just kept eating my food.

"It's just too close for comfort that's all!" Jo said back.

"Girl please! Anandi is your friend Jo! We don't like that bitch. None. Of. Us. Do! We fuck with her off the strength of YOU! She's a clown ass bitch always has been!" DeMiya spoke once again eating Jo up and I didn't open my mouth. I don't know why Jo couldn't see that girl was trifling asf.
"Quiet as it's kept, she been trying to communicate with Lawrence again. Now I stayed off her ass because of you Jo. But once I drop this baby I'm beating her ass." I stated to Jo.
"What could she possibly want with Lawrence? They broke up a long time ago. They wasn't even that serious from what I saw." Jo said confused but still in defense of her "friend" once again.
"See you're doing it again. Making light of the situation because she's your friend. That bitch been coming at me since we were kids. She do grimy shit all the time and you just act like it's nothing. That bitch been sending my man pictures and text messages that are way too much. We blocked this bitch on socials, his phone, and this bitch keep making fake pages and numbers to contact him." I rolled my eyes.

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