Chapter 2: What is Freedom?

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Previously on "My King or The King"

......... "You have a heart dear." He said and gently tapped the scepter at her heart. .......

         Mia's eyes turned black-blue and then back to normal. "What do you want?" She asked the guy. "I am Loki, of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose. I am trying to get a few smart people to help me achieve my goal. You seem like someone who could be so use to me." said the guy, Loki. "As you say Loki. I will help you." Mia said but inside, that wasn't what was going on in her conscience. She wanted to break through but her mind was being controlled by that scepter. This Loki guy was controlling her to make use of her. She felt that whatever he was planning to achieve would cause destruction yet she couldn't do anything now that she was in his control.

"Follow me dear. How pathetic of me, I never asked you lovely name?" Loki said. "It's Mia." Mia replied. "Now that sure is a lovely name. Now let's head to my base." Loki said and Mia unwillingly followed. After walking for miles, they reached a temporary research facility. "Welcome Mia, one of my helper, Barton found this facility. This is perfect hideout where neither we can get caught nor our purpose is on hold. Now make yourself useful." Loki said as they got in. Mia observed her surroundings, there were many research scientists, her eye was caught by one, Dr. Erik Selvig. She had gotten an honour to meet him on of the special occasions of BTS's performance.

'What the hell is he doing here?? What's that glowing cube?' Mia wondered as her eyes shifted into a glass room facility where a blue glowing cube was placed inside of a weird type of machine. Loki's from Asgard, Dr. Selvig is a astrophysicist, that glowing cube doesn't seem to belong to Earth. All this connected that something bigger from outer space was coming Earth's way.

"Not to interrupt you, but you can have a tour around here later. First let us discuss the plan. Make you self comfortable." Loki said pointing towards a chair. Mia sat down. "What is all this about Loki? It fascinates me." She said. "Well well, It's the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled." Loki said.

"What makes you think so?" Mia asked. "You have seen this land better than me. You have seen how freedom causes war and destruction. You are so blinded by freedom that never let your true power to accumulate. Humans are such gullible creatures, they fall into the traps of freedom and lose their power. They are meant to be ruled. Only then will their power be of any use. I am here to free you from that freedom and rule you to glory." Loki said.

Whatever Loki said sounded very true. Humans causes destruction and war to restore their freedom. Mia was fascinated by how observant and well planned Loki was. "I know the real you wants to speak with me." Loki said chuckling. He held up the scepter and and they end up in a different place. Now Mia could feel like she was free from the chains of Loki. "Now you can speak your mind." Loki said. "Does you plan not include a war? Because this is what we call dictatorship." Mia asked. "It will, but one big war is better than the millions which would follow without it." Loki said. Mia could agree with his words.

"I, who always wished for freedom, now feel ashamed to call myself free after you made your point. Whatever you said is true. Even if you are trying to rule for your sake, you have been quite observant on how you can bring good in your reign. It fascinates me. I am willing to work for you but under my will." Mia said. "I am glad you see what I see. Sure, you can work under me with your own will." Loki said. "May I ask you another question?" Mia asked. "You may." "What do you think about Love?" Mia asked. As observant perosn as such, must also have a unique perspective when it comes to the definition of love.

My King or The KingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora