Chapter 6: It Hurts to see You in Pain

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Previously on My King or The King

......"I am not overly fond of what follows." Loki replied. Those words sent chills down Mia's spine. What the heck was coming?.......

Suddenly they felt some heavy weight drop down on the quinjet. Mia turned around to Loki only to see horror on his face. Ok this was bad. Really bad. Iron man wore his mask and opened the back gate of the jet. "What are you doing?" Cap asked. In the meantime, a blonde, divine dude with a warrior outfit and a huge hammer entered in. Iron man was about to attack him when he pushed him, which caused him to stumble backwards.

He started approaching Loki who now looked like he had seen a ghost. He picked Loki up and jumped out of the jet. Mia kicked Cap in the groin and took a parachute and dived aiming at this divine dude who took Loki. He and Loki crashed into a rocky mountain and so did Mia. She hid behind a rock to see the commotion.

"Where is the Tesseract?" That divine guy asked. Loki laughed and replied, "I missed you too brother." Mia let out a gasp of realization. This divine guy was none other than Loki brother Thor.
"Do I look to be in a gaming mood?" Thor asked sounding irritated. Well, anyone ought to have been irritated if they were in Thor's place. "Oh, you should thank me. With the Bifrost gone, how much dark energy did the Allfather have to muster to conjure you here, your precious Earth?" Loki said with an evil tone.

"I thought you died." Thor said as he seemed to struggle with words. "Did you mourn?" Loki asked with seriousness adorning his perfect face. "We all did. Our father..." "YOUR father! He DID tell you my true parentage, did he not?" Loki corrected. What was Loki talking about?

"I know Loki, it was hard on you accept the fact that you are a Frost Giant. Something everybody treated as a Monster. But I don't see you that way. We were raised together, we played together, we fought together. Do you remember none of that?" Thor asked with hope in his eyes. "I remember a shadow, living in the shade of your greatness. I remember you tossing me into an abyss, I who was and should be king!" Loki said. Mia felt his pain. She felt very pitiful for Loki. "Loki!" Thor said in a sad tone.

"I love you all, I agree. You are my family but I deserve what father took from me just because I was a Frost Giant. I wish I could kill you because I feel more envious of you after knowing the truth but you know, I have never been able to go the harder way that would kill you. All my attempts to kill you only ended up injuring you as I had no courage to do so. I can't hurt you, mother or father. But if you interrupt with my quests, I shall not think twice before beheading you." Loki said as rage built within him.

Thor them took a deep breathe and said, "So you take the world I love as recompense for your imagined slights? No, the Earth is under MY protection, Loki!" Loki laughed sarcastically, "And you're doing a marvelous job with that! The humans slaughter each other in droves, while you ideally threat. I mean to rule them. And why should I not?" "You think yourself above them?" Thor asked. "Well, yes." "Then you miss the truth of ruling, brother. A throne would suit you ill." Thor said.

"I've seen worlds you've never known about! I have grown, Odin's Son, in my exile! I have seen the true power of the Tesseract, and when I wield it..." Loki stated. "Who showed you this power? Who controls the would-be-king?" Thor asked in panic. Loki looked alarmed but he just said, "I AM a king!" "Not here! You give up the Tesseract! You give up this pointless dream!... You come home." Thor stated holding Loki's shoulders with a beseeching look in his eyes.

"...I don't have it." Loki said. Thor threatened Loki with his hammer. Mia slipped and feel in front if them. Loki looked at her with a horror look. "Who is she?" Thor asked. "I am Mia and I work with Loki." She said with her chest protruded and chin up. "Loki, she is under the spell of the scepter, isn't she." Thor asked. "No, I wanted to work with Loki, I am off his spell. Now back off." Mia said. "Why do you care?" Thor asked with anger.

"Because I am in love with Loki. Now back dow-" Thor pushed her and she fell to the ground and then he turned to Loki. "You need the cube to bring me home, but I've sent it off, I know not where." Loki said. "You listen well, brother. I..." Thor started but was pushed off the cliff by Ironman. "I'm listening." Loki said, making Mia facepalm. He sure can be annoying sometimes.

He then walked upto Mia. "Are you okay?" He asked. "I am fine. Are you?" "Yes, I sure am." Loki said. "No, I mean, emotionally." Mia said. Loki looked down with an uneasy look on his face. Mia's eyes teared up, she hugged Loki and broke down. "Why are you crying dear?" Loki said. "It hurts okay, it hurts seeing you in pain. I don't want you to cry over the past Loki. Live you present and look for the near future. Don't look too far into the future either, it will be too much for you to take. Just live the moment and hope for the future. Please don't let you past hurt you."

Those words touched Loki's heart, his eyes looked quite watery and a weak smile came up on his lips. He embraced her and said, "Thank you. Thank you for worrying about me." "I love you." Mia replied. Suddenly they heard loud sounds and found Thor, Ironman and Captain America fighting. "What do we do?" Mia asked. "Wait for them to get to an agreement and take us to their headquarters. We need to unleash a monster." Loki said with an evil grin. Mia smiled.

After a while of fighting, the three seemed to have come to an arrangement. They took Loki. Thor walked to Mia and asked her where she actually lived. Mia hesitated to answer but seeing Loki nod she understood that it was risky for the plan if she went along. She told Thor where she stayed. Thor proposed to take her back. She sighed and nodded. Loki gave her a smile before the others left with Loki. 'I will pray for you Loki. I will pray for you.' Mia said in her head. "Let's head back. By the way am sorry." Thor said. "For what?"


My King or The KingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora