Chapter 11: Research gone wrong

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Previously on My King or The King

.......Mia was all set to leave for her new job. All excited and all energetic........

"Take care. You might wanna carry a map around recalling the last time you had gotten lost in London." Jungkook said dropping Mia off at the airport. "I don't prefer to make a scene here in the public, Jungkook." Mia replied rolling her eyes. "Yeah sure. Just Take care, ok?" Jungkook said looking concerned. "I will." Mia said smiling back at him. Jungkook pulled her close and kissed her before she walked in to the airport.

Why was Mia going to London anyways? Well, Jane and her team were here in London upon hearing rumours bout some weird phenomenon. Mia was to join them there. Ever since Mia, well, got abducted by Loki (I guess you can say so), Jungkook had become a bit more protective and didn't prefer her wandering around alone. Well she somehow managed to convince him she would be fine with Jane but he insisted on dropping her to the airport. So here he was.

After Mia went inside, Jungkook was about to leave when someone knocked on his window making him open it to come face to face with the one person he never wanted to see. "Get lost." He said coldly, shifting his gaze rather to the windshield of the car. "Interesting. There was a time you wanted to see this face as often as possible and look at you now. Now this is what I call evolution Jungkook." Said a blonde girl with a snug expression on her face. "Just F*** off, Sharon. Don't want you lurking around ruining my life again." Jungkook said sternly, still not looking at Sharon.

"Oh dear, dear!! Ruining? If you come back to me, your life would be perfect Jungkook." Sharon said with a smirk on her face. "You don't exist for me. Besides, I must return back, the boys shall be worried." Jungkook said as his hand reached for the hand break. "What makes you think that your petty little girlfriend was actually not in love with Loki? Oh! Shocked?? Well I work with S.H.I.E.L.D darling........well not exactly but yeah." Said Sharon receiving a shocked look from Jungkook.

"I know her. She is not that type. Besides Thor helped us solve it out." Jungkook said glaring straight into Sharon's eyes. "Well Thor must have thought it as a possibility and your petty girlfriend took it as a chance to have you back as well as secretly have Loki. Since she agreed to work with Loki, she must definetly be smart enough to do something like that and have two men at her fee-" "Dare say one more word and I will not hesitate to throw you in front of my car and drive over you." Jungkook said holding Sharon by her chin.

Sharon just stared at Jungkook angrily as he let go of her and rode away. She then scoffed, "Very well. You lose your good opportunities. Oh anyway, I still got Captain America. Perhaps I should try luring him." She said to herself looking as Jungkook drove away.

After a comfortable and safe flight, Mia touched down London. Picking up her luggage, she walked down the gate of Arrivals to find Darcy and a guy waiting for her. "Hey Darcy. Here to pick me up?" Mia said. "Yep." Darcy said smiling excitedly. Mia looked at the guy confused. "Oh he is my inter." Darcy said. "The name's Ian. Nice to meet you." The guy said holding out his hand. "Nice to meet you, Ian. I'm Mia." Mia said shaking his hand. Ian and Darcy helped Mia tuck in her luggage.

"Alright, so now we are going to crash Jane's 'supposed to be date' and get her because I found something crazily interesting." Darcy said. "Sounds pretty mean, you know." Mia said. "Don't worry, Jane will be fine with that." With that Darcy started the car. Well Darcy's driving certainly didn't help that fact that Mia had motion sickness. Mia had never experienced such rash driving. She felt like she was having a concussion.

Finally they arrived where Jane was, much to Mia's joy. "I'll be back." Darcy said leaving to go get Jane. "I'll be back too." Mia told Ian as she hurried out to puke in the nearby dustbin. She bought a bottle of water and washed her face with it before returning back to their vehicle. Within a few minutes, Darcy returned. "Where's Jane?" "Wait and watch." A minute later, the car door opened and in entered Jane saying, "I hate you." "What, I said he was cute." Darcy said. "Just shut up and drive." Jane replied buckling her seatbelt. 

"Hi!" Ian said and Jane got startled. "Who is he?" She asked Darcy. "Oh he is my intern." Dracy said. "Yeah my name's Ian-" "You have an intern?" Jane asked confused. "Yeah. By the way Mia's here too." "Hey." Mia said waving at Jane. "Hey. Good to have you here." Jane replied smiling. "Sharp right." Ian said and Darcy just Tokyo drifted the car into a sharp right. "And then left." Again the same horrible driving. "You know I've mastered driving in London." Darcy bragged. "Yeah, can clearly see it." Mia muttered sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.

Finally Darcy's terrible ride had come to an end. Mia's joy had no ends......but first..... 'Blaargh!'. There goes the delicious Chicken nuggets Mia had on the flight, sigh. After rinsing her mouth with the water bottle Mia had bought the first time she puked, she and the others went into what looked like a warehouse. In there they came across a bunch of kids. "Are you the police?" One of them asked. "Now we are scientists. Well I certainly am." Jane said smiling nervously. "Can you show us what you found?" Mia asked. "Come with us." Another boy said and the crew followed them.

The boy took them near a truck and he lifted it with just two fingers. Mia wouldn't have been surprised if her eyeballs just popped out and rolled off somewhere because in front of her the truck was floating and turning upside down as though there were no gravity to hold it down. Jane gasped on shock. The kids then took them up the stairs. "See this." One kid said throwing a bottle of whiskey down which just magically disappeared after a point. "Where'd it go?" Jane asked. A girl pointed up and they all saw the bottle fall from up and back down and again back up until a boy caught it.

"That's amazing." Jane said throwing a crumpled cool drink can. It didn't return to which a girl said, "Sometimes they come back, sometimes they don't." "Show me the energy reader." Jane said pulling an instrument from Darcy which seemed to be reading the surge of energy. "I haven't seen this high surge of energy since...since..." "New Mexico?" Darcy asked. Jane started to walk in the direction of the energy. "Hey, wait up." Mia said following her.

She climbed all the way up the stairs behind Jane and looked down to see the kids throwing stuff for them to return. Ian threw something which never came back and she heard Darcy ask, "Was that the car keys?" "Yeeee.....ah." Ian replied making Mia facepalm. But there was no time for her to yell at Ian, she wanted to go along with Jane and so she did. Jane had entered into a corridor. "So, what is it?" Mia asked joining her. "I don't know." Jane said. "Well this place kinda gives me some eerie feeling." Mia said as they walked towards the door which seemed to be the source of this energy.

Suddenly the two got pushed by sudden gush of wind and fell inside the door into something that looked like an ancient temple. "Darcy? DARCY?" Jane called out receiving no response. "Hey look. There's something shinning in between those two rocks." Mia said pointing to two big black rocks which seemed to be sealing something that shone red. Jane and Mia neared it and they saw a fluid floating in midst the two rocks. "I don't think it's a great idea to touch it Jane." Mia said and Jane reached out to touch it.

Suddenly it pulled Jane's hands inside and Mia tried to pull her out but even her hands got pulled inside and then suddenly they got pushed. Jane and Mia felt as though something was flowing inside their body and that was the last thing they remembered before blacking out.

After a while Jane and Mia woke up in another part if the warehouse. They came out to find a bunch of cops and a worried Darcy hurrying along to them. "Did you call the cops?" Jane asked. "Well yes, this energy is pretty creepy." Darcy said. "Darcy you lost me a good research, we had found something and now we'll lose it at the hands of the police. Why did you do it?" Jane questioned. "Because you both were gone for 5 hours." Darcy replied almost immediately. "5 hours?" Came out the words from two horror-stricken faces.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2022 ⏰

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