Chapter 8: Don't want you to die

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Previously on My King or The King

.........Yet Loki just grinned for his plan was still in action.........

     "Jungkook, I'm sorry but I promised Loki my undying loyalty till the end of this battle. I have to stand by his side. He is not truly a bad person. It is circumstances that made him so. I want to be by his side and help him conquer over his bad intentions using his good ones. I hope you understand Jungkook. I need to go." Mia said trying to explain to Jungkook how important it was for her to go.

Jungkook sighed and said, "Ok fine, but be careful." "Don't worry babe, Thor told me none of them will fight me except for Black Widow." Mia said with a smile. Jungkook smiled back and told her to take care. Mia changed into the armor Loki gave her and wielded the weapon Loki had trained her with. She was ready to go fight for Loki.



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"Your weapon is a rope dart?? You learnt how to use a rope dart??" Taehyung asked. "Yep. Now I better go before it's late." Mia said walking out the door. All the boys hugged her and wished her luck and told her to take care. Oh how much she missed this care from the boys!

Jungkook dropped her of Loki's base where Clint Barton a.k.a Hawkeye and the others were getting ready for the attack they planned. Mia got down the car. "Mia! Take care and come here once." Jungkook said. Mia came toward Jungkook's window. He opened it and kissed her. "Take care Jungkook. Stay in the dorm." Mia said. Jungkook nodded his head. Then Mia walked into the base while Jungkook left for the dorm.

"Morning Agent Barton." Mia said heading in. "Morning Mia. I think I told you I would prefer being called Clint." Barton said. "Oh yes my bad. My apologies Clint." Mia said. "Not a problem Mia." Barton said with a smile. "Alright so, what's the plan?" Mia asked.
"Loki will awaken the monster, it will turn the Avengers against each other. Then we shall enter in rescue Loki. As Stark will be stuck in the fight, we can get to Stark Tower from where we will power the Tesseract."

"Sounds like a plan. Alright then, let's go." Mia said. Hawkeye got his people to arrange jets for them to reach the S.H.I.E.L.D base. "The jets shall arrive in 5 minutes. We need to head to the open ground we chose for the taking off and landing of our jets." Clint said. "Ok, let's head there fast." Everyone who was a part of the rescue team headed for the jet. Dr. Selvig and his team waited for a van to carry them Stark Towers so that they can start the setup.

Meanwhile, Agent Romanoff tricked Loki and found out that his plan was to unleash the monster within Dr. Banner. As she reached the research room, she saw everyone fighting and arguing with Director Fury.

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