Chapter 5: The Plan

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Previously on My King or The King

........They just held Jungkook's hands to show him they were with him and he didn't have to go through this alone. And that meant more to him than any words they could say.......

While Jungkook was heartbroken, Mia was heartbroken too. She was unable to figure out why she suddenly felt attracted to Loki, even though she never knew Loki so well. It was very confusing for her. She felt a lot of guilt for what she had done. How could she do this to Jungkook, the person she loved the most. "Why did you do that, Mia? Don't tell me you did it for the plan. Please don't hurt yourself like this for the sake of the plan." Loki said holding her shoulders. "Loki, I-I didn't do it for the plan. I really feel some attraction for you." Mia said breaking down into tears.

Loki had no clue what to do to comfort poor Mia. He just hugged her and patted on her head. "It's okay, it's okay dear. Don't worry you can figure things out and settle your life." No matter how bad Loki's intentions were, he understood Mia and Jungkook's pain. He had gone through a lot and he had become quite understanding toward such sensitive matters. "Now, lemme distract you from this. Maybe let's get a good look at that beautiful Tesseract. May make you feel better." Loki said. Mia wiped her tears and nodded.

They went out to the research area and Loki took her inside the glass room to make her see the Tesseract up close, "Don't touch it though, it may not be good for you." Loki said. Mia nodded and only kept staring at the beautiful glowing cube. After staring at it for a few minutes, it's beauty made Mia feel better. "How are you feeling now?" Loki asked. "Better. I guess maybe concentrating on the plan can make me feel more better." Mia said. "Whatever pleases you." Loki said.

They recollected the plan to remember the role of each person. Mia's role was as an extra in case they needed more time. Loki was the main distraction while Clint Barton was the chief of this heist to get Iridium. Mia changed into her outfit and they all left for Germany in a few hours. Mia really looked like she was going there to attend the Gala.

Mia and Loki reached the gala at different time. Mia arrived first and joined in. A few minutes later, Loki disguised himself as an attendee and joined in too. Meanwhile, Hawkeye (Clint Barton) and his group reached the facility and swiftly eliminated the guard outside making sure not to get caught. They reached the vault in which Iridium was safely guarded with the retinal print lock of Heinrich Schafer. As planned, Loki knocked out one dude and attacked Schafer and used a machine that Barton had given him, on the eye of Schafer to get his retinal print. Barton received the eye print and opened the vault and stole Iridium.

Mia screamed, "Run!! Monster!! Monster!!" Everyone ran along with Mia outside the gala. Now to give more time for Barton to get out the place, Loki turned showed his true self. In his green and golden, Asgardian leather outfit, his golden horns and the scepter in his left hand.

The other frightened guests ran out to the streets trying to escape from Loki, but he surrounded them with a series of illusions of himself. "Kneel!" He said. Then then tapped his scepter to the ground and yelled, "I said, KNEEEEEEEELLL!!" Everyone knelt with fear. Loki let out a satisfied chuckle.

"Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel." 'I would always kneel for you Loki, I always will.' Mia thought in her mind.

A single old man stood up and challenged him and his intentions, telling him that there have always been men like him. "Look to your elder, people. Let him be an example." Loki said ready to kill the man with his scepter. But his attack was deflected by a man who covered the old man with a shield. "You know, last that someone standing on top of everyone, we happened to disagree." The man said.

Mia was in shock, the man was non-other than The Captain America. "Ah!! The soldier, tha man of out time." Loki said. "I am not the one out of time." Captain Amerjca said. They charged at each other. As Loki was about to win, a quinjet with Black widow appeared. 'Shit!!' Mia thought to herself. Black Widow was confused seeing so many Lokis. Suddenly, music started playing out loud from the quinjet. Mia looked up to see, The Iron Man making his appearance. He helped fight Loki. Making Loki surrender in the end.

Mia couldn't let them hurt Loki. She immediately stepped forward, picked up the scepter and shot at the quinjet, Black widow managed to dodge the attack. Then she too surrendered. And both Loki and Mia were captured.

"Why did you do that?" Loki asked Mia as they there taken into the quinjet. "They are dangerous, they can harm you. I don't want you yo face them alone." Mia said. "You are concerned about me? Wow!! It's been a while since someone has been concerned about me." Loki said with a genuine smile. "Good to know you feel my concern for you." Mia said with a smile.

As the quinjet was travelling back to S.H.I.E.L.D, Iron man and Captian America were discussing something. Suddenly a loud roar of thunder came by. "What's happening Nat?" Cap asked the Black Widow. "I don't know. This thunder spread out of nowhere. Lemme get us out of here soon." She replied. Loki looked pretty scared. "What's the matter? Scared of a little lightning?" Cap asked. "I am not overly fond of what follows." Loki replied. Those words sent chills down Mia's spine. What the heck was coming?


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