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Namjoon was sleeping on the couch with his husky Hoa on his stomach as he himself lay on his back with his mouth slightly open, snoring a little. Hoa had been tiring him out – really, husky puppies were energetic – so he had needed a good nap.

When his phone started ringing, he jumped awake and almost flung poor Hoa off his stomach. Hoa started barking in surprise, but Namjoon was quick to calm him down and grab his phone. He saw Jimin on the caller ID, so he didn't hesitate to pick up the phone.

"Hi, Jimin-ah." He greeted, stifling a yawn.

"Joonie-hyung, I'm at Hoseok-hyung's house. Do you wanna come over?"

Namjoon frowned at the sound of Jimin's voice. He sounded...tense? Or perhaps nervous? Namjoon wasn't sure, maybe he had imagined it.

"Sure, what's the plan? Can I bring Hoa?"

"E-Ehm, of course! We're just going to...ehhm...have a movie night."

"Cool!" Namjoon replied with a grin. "Hoa can finally meet Mickey then!"

Mickey was Hoseok's dog, a white and brown Shi Tzu with the loveliest character. He was getting a bit old, so he was calmer lately, but Namjoon was sure he wouldn't mind Hoa. Hoa might be energetic, but he was the sweetest puppy. He didn't even run after cats or birds!

It didn't take long for Namjoon to arrive at Hoseok's house. He rang the doorbell with one hand, the other holding Hoa's leash.

Jimin opened the door, and there was a very strained smile on his face. Namjoon noticed it straight away – c'mon, how long had they been friends for? Of course he noticed. The smile that had been on his own face faded a little as he tilted his head in concern.

"Jimin-ah, is everything alright?"

"Y-Yes!" Jimin exclaimed, before waving his hand. "Come in, please."

Namjoon eyed him a little weirdly, but stepped into the house, bringing Hoa inside with him. He walked into the living room immediately, because he knew Mickey would be there and it would be best to introduce the two dogs right away.

Hoa's ears pointed up and forward curiously when he saw the other dog, laying lazily on a pillow on the ground. A small bark threatened to escape, but Namjoon gave him a stern look when he looked up, so he didn't bark.

"Hoa, this is Mickey. Mickey, Hoa." Namjoon said, keeping an eye on the dogs as they sniffed each other. Hoa was a little excited, but since Mickey was an older dog and didn't seem in the mood to play with a hyper puppy, Hoa realized that and stayed as calm as a puppy could.

"Good boys." Namjoon chuckled, and when he thought it was enough he called Hoa to him and took off the leash. Hoa looked at him expectantly, and Namjoon gave him the sign that he needed to stay by his side. He didn't want to lose Hoa in Hoseok's house. Namjoon was glad that the puppy training he'd been following for about a week now really paid off. Puppies were eager to learn and Hoa seemed to pick up new tricks and commands easily.

"Well, I think the two of them are good," Namjoon said to Jimin, who had stayed put in the doorway to the living room. Namjoon raised an eyebrow and looked around. "Where's Hobi?"

Jimin had sounded nervous, but now he sure looked nervous as well. His face even seemed a little pale and Namjoon wondered for a moment if Jimin had been sleeping well.

"H-He's just upstairs. Do you wanna g-go get him?" Jimin asked, stuttering.

"I'll just yell, he's probably in the bathroom or something," Namjoon said, before turning to the stairs to the second floor. "YAH HOSEOK-AH, COME DOWNSTAIRS WE'RE WATCHING A MOVIE!"

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