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Namjoon had had bad days before. Days that had started great, truly great, but turned upside down due to some bothersome event. Sometimes it was a fight with his parents, sometimes something that happened at work.

Never before, however, had his day been turned upside down like this.

He was sitting on the ground next to Jimin, who held Hoseok's head in his lap. The boy's eyes were closed and Jimin was worrying like crazy.

"H-Hyung, he's...he's still not waking up..." Jimin mumbled with frightened tears in his eyes.

They were in some sort of cell, bars sticking out of the ceiling of rocks above them. There was a door in the bars that could be opened with a fancy key – Namjoon had noticed it when they were locked in there – but other than that it was just rocks...walls of rocks...

Hoseok was still unconscious. Namjoon and Jimin had made sure he lay in a reasonably comfortable place in the cell, but they weren't sure if Hoseok was still asleep or if something else was wrong with him...

"I-I know, Jimin-ah...he'll wake up soon, I'm sure..." Namjoon said, though anyone could catch the uncertainty in his voice.

"I'm scared..." Jimin said almost so softly that Namjoon couldn't hear it.

Namjoon grimaced and put an arm around his friend. "I know, I know. It will be alright. Hyung is here."

Namjoon couldn't deny that he was scared too. They'd been brought here by Hypnos, who had told them some amazing but frightening things. He had told them about the existence of gods and goddesses, of the Underworld and the Olympus...and Hypnos himself was the God of Sleep who resided in the Underworld. 

The Underworld was where they were right now...

Any other day, Namjoon wouldn't have believed it. He was a rational man, only believed things if there was proof or if he or someone he trusted had seen it. He would've never thought of gods existing – he was an atheist, for crying out loud. But with Hoseok not waking up, and Hypnos proving he could cause nightmares...and travel dimensions apparently...Namjoon wasn't sure about what he believed anymore.

For one, teleporting was not on his list of things he used to believe in, but he had moved from Hoseok's house to this dark and eerie place within seconds. Teleporting had to be real, then. Or was this all one big hallucination? Had he taken drugs? He didn't remember taking drugs...Jimin and Hoseok were usually very against that...they would've stopped him, right?

"Do you think Hoa and Mickey are okay?" Jimin asked softly, worrying about the two little dogs they had had to leave behind.

"I don't know...they must be scared without us..." Namjoon sighed. "Luckily, someone will come home sooner or later."

Jimin nodded and rested his head on Namjoon's shoulder. Just like that, they waited. Waited for Hoseok to wake up, for Hypnos to show up again, anything.

The waiting was awful, and Namjoon almost felt relieved when someone appeared. When he took a closer look, however, a feeling of horror overtook him. In front of their prison, a row of monsters stood, staring at them with almost hungry eyes. For the first time, Namjoon was happy that he was inside this cell. The monsters were bulky and had the largest canines Namjoon had ever seen. And that on an animal! He knew that these monsters would have no difficulty ripping him to shreds. 

Oh god, Namjoon wasn't ready to die! He still had so much left to do! He still wanted to continue writing poetry and create music! He wanted to watch Hoa grow! He wanted to-

His thoughts were interrupted when the monsters made way for another figure, one Namjoon recognized. It was the god named Hypnos, who had brought them here. He had an amused smile on his face and looked rather content. Namjoon wasn't a violent person, but he definitely wanted to punch Hypnos in the face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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