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"Yoojin-ah, don't hit Minah with the dolls." Taehyung said, his voice firm but kind as he carefully took the four year old to the side and crouched down to her level. "Always be nice to each other, alright?"

"She took my cookie!"

"That was yesterday, Yoojin-ah. Minah apologized, didn't she?"
The little girl nodded and looked at the ground.
"Then everything is alright, isn't it? I gave you another cookie yesterday, so don't be angry with Minah anymore, okay?"

"Okay..." Yoojin mumbled. Taehyung flashed a boxy smile and ruffled the kid's hair.

"That's my Yoojin!" he laughed. "C'mon, apologize to Minah." He said, softly pushing her towards Minah, who sat on the ground with still red eyes from crying. Yoojin held out her small hand as she stood in front of the other girl.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled. Minah took her hand and shook it, a grin on her face as quick as that. "It's fine! Let's go play!"

Taehyung chuckled and felt happy as he watched the two girls go back to playing with the dolls together. He looked around the classroom and was relieved when he saw all the other kids were playing nicely as well.

Taehyung was a kindergarten teacher's assistant starting this year. His dream was to become a teacher himself and teach all the children how to be kind to one another and how to love each other and themselves – something he thought the children didn't quite learn at school. He was studying hard and he loved his work at the kindergarten group.

Taehyung had always loved children and as he was a big brother to two siblings and a big cousin to a handful more he had always played with children and cared for them. He loved to see how quick children learned and how witty they were, even though they were so young.

Today had been a very long day; Taehyung had started at eight in the morning and when the children had come in half an hour later, chaos had already started. There had been small fights throughout the entire morning – Jinyoung had pulled Minseok's hair, Minah had accidentally thrown a crayon at Jinyoung, Hanseok got angry when Yoojin didn't hand him her drink. All small fights, but they were quite the handful. Taehyung had managed though and now the end of the afternoon was nearing, he was glad the children were all playing happily.

Since he was the teacher's assistant, he wasn't allowed to be there on his own – but this kindergarten didn't care as much about that. They knew Taehyung well enough to trust him to take care of the children, so now the teacher was sick, Taehyung was the replacement for today.

He hoped tomorrow the teacher would be better though.

After all the parents had come to pick up their children, Taehyung was finally done for the day. He cleaned up the classroom and wrote down what he had done today, how the children were feeling, if there was anything out of the ordinary.

Apart from the small fights and Minah looking like she hadn't slept very well, Taehyung couldn't think of any problems, so he was done very quickly.

"Taehyung-ah, you're done early." Miss Choi, one of the other teachers, said with a surprised smile when she saw him walking through the hallway. Miss Choi was the typical old lady that had a grandma feeling. She loved children as well and she occasionally snuck in more cookies she had baked at home – she always made too much and her own grandchildren couldn't eat all of it.

Taehyung bowed slightly and grinned his boxy grin.
"Hello Miss Choi! Yes, I'm done early, I finished my reports in no time today!"

"Wonderful, you're doing a very good job, Taehyung-ah." Miss Choi said with a warm smile. "Whenever you're finished with your studies, please feel welcome to come work here as a teacher."

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