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For the first time in centuries, it was storming at the Olympus. 

The rain was pouring and the wind was howling, the noise making it impossible for anyone to speak without yelling. The trees were swinging back and forth and some older ones collapsed, unable to stand their ground.

"This is getting out of hand!" the King of the Gods yelled at the group of Olympian gods around him. 

Zeus wasn't only God of Law, Order and Justice. He was God of the Sky, God of Lightning and Thunder. He could control weather on earth and summon storms whenever he wanted to. 

This storm on the other hand was completely out of his control. He had nothing to do with it.

"Then tell us what's happening! We have to do something about this! Are you sure this isn't done by your powers?!" Hera, his wife, screamed. 

"I have already told you! I did not do this!" Zeus grumbled, balling his fists.

"There are only two options." Apollo said just loud enough for Zeus to hear. "Either your powers are out of control...or it's time for the Next Generation."

"Nonsense!" Zeus roared. "It is not yet time!"

"I know the time is foretold to be due in centuries that have yet to come, but that forecast was thousands of years ago. A slight miscalculation is bound to happen." Apollo said with a sigh, but Hera hadn't been able to hear it so she scrunched her nose at the seemingly secretive way Apollo was speaking.

"I would like it if you spoke up, Apollo! Us Olympian gods do not hold secrets for one another, as we are the rulers of the Realm of the Gods and the protectors of Earth!"

"We know, Hera." Aphrodite said while rolling her eyes at the Goddess of Women and Marriage. "It is clear Apollo wishes to speak with Zeus alone though, so it is best if we leave them be. They will tell us their plan when the time is right."

"And I'm supposed to trust your words?" Hera spat. "Do not get me wrong, Aphrodite, but it's not like your choices and ideas have been very...helpful to us in the past."

As Aphrodite stood next to Hera, it wasn't hard for Hera to hear what the Goddess of Love was saying, but the others hadn't heard a single word. They had been trying to focus on Zeus and Apollo, who seemed to have started a heated argument about whether or not miscalculations were possible in the Realm of the Gods. They were almighty, they decided what happened, when it happened and to whom it happened. 

But now it seemed that was going to change.

"Can we not wait?" Zeus sighed after the argument with Apollo lead to the conclusion that yes, miscalculations were possible. 

"I fear we can't. I fear we have to take action now, otherwise the Olympus and all of the Gods will vanish." Apollo replied.

"That is what's happening?!" Helios, God of the Sun, exclaimed. He had been able to hear just enough for him to understand what was going on. "This storm will wipe us off the Olympus?!"

"Worse." Zeus said, now speaking louder so that the whole circle of Gods could hear him. "Due to a miscalculation we had not foreseen this, but the storm is our sign and the storm is our enemy. This storm will destroy the realm of the Gods. It will destroy the Olympus and us with it, if we do not take action right now."

"What kind of action?" Artemis, Apollo's twin sister and Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon, asked. Dread started to make her hands shake and even though she was a goddess, she could feel the human emotion of fear. 

"We have to get ready for the Next Generation." Apollo replied, putting a hand on his sister's shoulder to reassure her. "The time has come."

"What?! Already?!"

"N-Next Generation..."

"How is that possible!?"

All of the gods started shouting simultaneously, almost blocking out the noise of the storm. Zeus was growing impatient because of it and he made lightning strike in the middle of the circle, getting everyone's attention.


And it was silent.

"Now, every one of you knows about the Next Generation. You are not happy with this, neither am I, but it something that is destined to happen, it is something that needs to happen."

"But Zeus, are we going to die?" Hermes asked with a small voice, almost inaudible for the King of Gods. Zeus showed the smaller god a reassuring smile and shook his head.

"No, Hermes. See it as...see it as retiring from work. None of us will die; we are immortal after all. Though we will get wiped off existence by this storm if we do not take action."

Hermes nodded, still not extremely sure everything would be alright, but slightly reassured that he wouldn't die.

"Now, everyone, let's take action." Zeus said, clapping his hands. "There is lots of work to do."


Hey everyone!

A new (random) book! Yay! I haven't even finished the other one yet...whoops ^^'

Oh well!

This was the first chapter ^^ I hope you liked it!

There's some shit going on at the Olympus, but what exactly is going on and what are they going to do about it?

Why is everyone so annoyed about Next Generation?

Find out more in the next chapters~~~

Olympus: Next Generation || BTS Greek Gods AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang