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Jin was sure he was dying. He was absolutely sure that this was his final day. He would be taken to the heavens by the angel that crashed his and Yoongi's apartment. He was sure of it. He was flying through the clouds after almost being killed by a non-human creature with claws, after all. He was dead or dying for sure.

"Hyung can you please stop screaming, my ears are going to fall off!!" Yoongi shouted.

Jin hadn't even realized he had been screaming all this time.

"Don't bother, he probably won't stop screaming until we land." Another voice said. Oh yeah, that was Iris. A goddess. An actual, freaking goddess.

And she was right. Even though Yoongi continuously asked Jin to shut up, he couldn't help it. If he already screamed people's ears off in a rollercoaster, what did he expect when they were flying through the clouds?! The only thing keeping them from falling to their deaths was the grip Iris had on their arms. That's it.

"I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die...AAAHHHHH!!!" Jin screamed when Iris took a left turn.

"Where are we even going?!" Yoongi yelled at Iris over his screaming. "Is there a plan for when monsters come after you?!"

Iris strongly flapped her beautiful angelic wings, eyes focused on her course. She seemed determined, but Yoongi was sure that she'd also been scared when that...thing had appeared at their house.

"We have to go back to Zeus' temple before we can get to the Olympus." She told Yoongi, who she had informed about everything already. The raging storms at the Olympus, the Next Generation, their enemies. Jin, however, was still mostly clueless.

"Will we be safe when we get there?" Yoongi asked.

"Unsure." Was all Iris said.

Unsure...this whole situation seemed unsure. Yoongi wondered if the gods even knew what they were doing. This whole 'Next Generation' thing sounded weird and it was a strange idea that - only two - messengers of the gods were now roaming the earth, searching for names on a list and bringing them to the Olympus, where the gods and goddesses lived. But were they even sure that it would save the Olympus? And what if none of the people on the list were worthy enough to become a god? What if people refused to come with them? What would they do then?

Yoongi didn't have much going on in his life, so he wasn't all that opposed to coming along, but he was sure there were many people who didn't really look forward to becoming a god and leaving their human lives. Jin was probably one of them.

"I'm going to land."

Yoongi braced himself when Iris half-folded her wings and they dove toward the ground. Jin seemed to think they were going to crash, because his screaming intensified and he gave Yoongi the 'I'm not ready to die' look again.

When they were so close to the ground that Jin and Yoongi thought they actually were going to crash, Iris unfolded her wings, opening them wide and hovering in mid-air before slowly lowering the two boys on the ground.

"THANK GOD I CAN FEEL THE GROUND UNDER MY FEET AGAIN!" Jin screamed, throwing himself onto the grass. Wait- grass?

He looked around, not having realized they were in the middle of a field filled with sheep. He stared at the sheep blankly before one of them bleated loudly at him. He blinked and looked at Iris.

"Why are we in a field with sheep?"

"I was looking for a safe place to land," Iris explained, folding her wings behind her and letting them disappear. "This seemed like a place hardly any humans would see us."

Olympus: Next Generation || BTS Greek Gods AUWhere stories live. Discover now