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As soon as autumn had started, Namjoon was seen outside a lot more often.

Taking small walks whenever it was raining outside or whenever the color-changing leaves on the trees grabbed his attention, Namjoon was always thinking about something. Those were the moments he had the time, the freedom to think. To let his mind be free.

Namjoon wrote poems and songs for a living. Or at least, that was what he would like to call it. It was true that his poems and songs brought him money, but it wasn't enough to pay the rent since he only had irregular requests that didn't come every week or every month.

That's why Namjoon also worked at a gas station.

He didn't hate the job, but he knew for sure that once he had a contract somewhere and had the chance to earn a set amount of money every month he would quit the gas station job. He had trouble finding someone who would hire him, some even refusing to hire him only because of his age. He was in complete disbelief because of that.

Talent didn't have anything to do with age in his opinion.


Namjoon remembered the day he left his parents' house to live on his own for the first time. He was twenty years old now and had been living on his own for half a year. He was kind of...still getting used to it.

The reason he had left was that his opinions and those of his parents clashed. There were many unnecessary arguments and Namjoon realized he was growing up. He had his own ideas about the world now and he knew it was time.
His parents then realized they had been quite harsh for their son, but Namjoon had already made his choice.

Of course, Namjoon still kept in touch with his parents – and of course his sister who still lived with them. He visited every other week and texted with them in a group chat on Kakaotalk. Maybe he lived away from his family, but that didn't mean he didn't miss them.

At the moment Namjoon was sitting cross-legged on a bench in the park with an umbrella over his head. The umbrella quite skillfully protected his whole body from the rain, but had it not protected him enough, Namjoon wouldn't have cared. What was wrong with a bit of rain?

With a notebook in his hand, pen in the other, Namjoon was writing everything that was inside his mind. His hand was writing fast, faster than it ever could when he forced himself to write. No, he couldn't force himself to write. He could only write when he was outside and let his mind be free.

Overall Namjoon seemed like a pretty relaxed person. Though he had left his parents because of arguments, their relation was great now he lived on his own. Though he had a hard time paying the rent with writing poems and songs, he had a side job that provided him with enough money and it wasn't the worst job in the world. Namjoon was alright and he felt happy.

"I thought I would find you here."

Namjoon looked up from his notebook in surprise, his pen almost flying out of his hand.
"You scared me..." he breathed out, before taking a better look at the person in front of him and recognizing them immediately.


Hoseok, Namjoon's best friend, stood in front of him, grinning but also soaking wet. The boy hadn't brought an umbrella even though it was pouring outside.

"Idiot, why didn't you bring an umbrella?" Namjoon sighed, closing his notebook and putting it in his pocket so it wouldn't get wet as he gave Hoseok the umbrella. "It's been raining the entire afternoon."

"I know, I know, I was just in a hurry! I need you to come with me!" Hoseok said, enthusiasm almost blowing up. He grabbed Namjoon's hand, pulling him from the bench before putting an arm around his shoulder so the two of them would fit under the umbrella.

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