Chapter 10

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A/N: Are we on the first 'What's Hot' page? You better believe it! Good job guys(: Okay, on with the story.

  I plugged my earphones into my ears as I took the steps up to my bedroom 2 at a time.

'He's drunk again, it's time to fight

She must have done something wrong tonight

The living room becomes a boxing ring

It's time to run when you see him clenching his hands

She's just a woman... never again' 

 Well. How ironic. Of course out of the thousands of songs that I had, the only one that I didn't want to hear comes on. Now, instead of forgetting about today, floods of memories similar to this started rushing back. Whoop-dee-frikken-doo. Suddenly, I felt overwhelmed by who knows what. I staggered to my bed, and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.

"Corey, please don't do it!"

  "Gee Bee, you're such a wimp. One hit's not going to do anything!"

  "Corey, you don't have to do it. Remember how we both promised never to do drugs?"

  "You're such a scaredy-ass. I have to do it if I want to stay popular. Now come on!"

  He dragged me out of the closet, back to the living room. I had a headache already, the loud, pounding music mixed with the flashing lights were killing me. Plus, it smelled horrible in here - a mixture of booze and weed. I had let Corey drag me to one of his friend's parties - his friend's brother was a senior and was known for throwing the wildest events. This was the first time I realized just how much Corey had changed during the summer before 8th grade.

  I sat down on the couch and glared at him the whole time, and flicked out the person that had offered me the pipe. I still couldn't believe that Corey would do something like this. He always had a wild streak; he loved colossal roller-coasters, loved the feel of the adrenaline rushing through his veins. But, he was a dedicated football/baseball player, and swore to never even touch any drugs. "I guess it was just an empty promise though" I thought as I watched him grab the pipe and take a long drag. His eyes got wide and he started choking, while everybody else burst out laughing. They were already out of it, their party had started hours before the actual one. I sat there feeling as if I was watching this from a TV screen, trying my best to act indifferent. I eventually got so disgusted that I went upstairs and looked for a room without anyone in it to try and go to sleep.

  I groggily turned over. "Moooooommmm, five more minutes," I mumbled.

  A cold laugh woke me up.

  "It's not your Mom Belle."

  "Who's there?" I asked, trying to sound intimidating.

  "Now, that's no way to speak to your best friend, is it?" The figure advanced towards me, and my brain processed these words.

  "Corey?..." I asked warily. "Stop playing. Come on and get some sleep."

  "What if I don't want to sleep? Especially not with you looking so hot right now." I was starting to get scared. I pushed the covers off and swung my legs over the edge of the bed, getting up. 

  "Corey, come on."

  "Oh, I will..." He muttered, his eyes glazed over, his voice cutting through the air like knives. I tried to step back as his hand came down striking me, making me scream in surprise. 

  "Shhh, this won't hurt. Too much." He grabbed my arms roughly, leaving future bruises, but tripped. The ground came rushing towards me, and I started screaming.

  "Belle, wake up! It's okay honey, it was just a dream. You're fine." My mom's reassuring honey-like voice interrupted my nightmare, and I was glad of that. 

  "It's okay babe, nothing's gonna hurt you," she cooed, rocking me back and forth like an infant. I started sobbing uncontrollably. The doorbell suddenly rang. I heard my dad sprinting down the stairs going to get it, and saw the curious/annoyed look on my mom's face.

  "Who'd be coming so late?" Her question was answered as an embarrassed Adam knocked on my open door. 

  "Um, hi Mrs..."

  "Tina." Her real name was 'Sutthanom', but she had adopted an American name because no one could say or remember it.

  Adam nodded, and continued. "I heard someone screaming, and the light came on in your house, so I assumed it was Belle, and so I came to see what was wrong..." I looked up at him surprised. His face turned an even darker shade of pink.

  I saw my dad at the door, tense and glaring at Adam, and looked at my mom. She was thoughtfully looking at Adam, and said, "Oh, she's fine. You want to talk to her?" Well geez Mom, thanks. Act like I'm brain dead, won't cha?

  "If it's alright with you ma'am." She nodded and slowly got off of my bed. My dad continued to glare at Adam, and turned his gaze on my mom when she ushered him out.

  "Are you okay?"

  "Ha, how many times have you asked that today?"

  "Too many." I laughed at this, but trailed off, thinking.

  "So, what was it about?"

  "What was what about?..."

  "Your dream? Or nightmare."

  "Oh.. I just don't wanna talk about it," I said with pleading eyes. Wow, this was so uncharacteristic of me.

  "Alright." He wrapped his arms around me once again, and I leaned on his shoulder closing my eyes, welcoming the obliviousness of sleep.

A/N: So, unexpected, right? I didn't even know Corey was going to be like this myself in the beginning. The song is 'Never Again' by Nickelback. Hoped you enjoyed it! I'm not sure about my own opinion... Eh. Vote/Comment please!

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