Chapter 32

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This seems a tidbit *Coughcough* delayed, eh? I'm sorry >.< I've been too caught up in summer, and I keep telling myself that I'll upload... But I obviously haven't. Please don't be mad at me! 


  I hummed to myself as I boosted myself up onto the granite countertop so I could reach the cabinet above it, searching for food. Hey, a growing teen's gotta eat! I grabbed onto the shelf with one hand, and rummaging around looking for something I liked with the other.

  "Chocolate milk mix... Swiss Rolls... Oh, ewwwwww. Is that a cockroach??" I used the box of Swiss Rolls to move it out of my way. Gross gross gross gross GROSS! "Ah-hah!" I cried victoriously when I saw a box of Fudge Rounds behind some of those oatmeal things. Oh, how I DESPISE oatmeal. 

  "Why do you not like oatmeal?!", came a shocked voice. Startled I screamed and felt myself fall backwards.

  'This is it.' I thought. 'I'm about to die.' Closing my eyes and bracing myself, I was surprised when I felt firm arms. 

  "Whoaaaaaaa there lassie", said the voice that made me fall in the first place. Turning around, I narrowed my eyes at the mysterious voice, since it wasn't one that I was used to.

  "You. You made me fall. Jerk!" Then I saw who I was talking to - Eli. "Oh, um, actually, nevermind. Sorry for yelling at you. Bye!" I ran out of the kitchen straight into Adam. "Oopsie, sorry! Wait!!!" I exclaimed as Adam opened his mouth to say something.

  Running back into the kitchen, I grabbed my box of Fudge Rounds (Yes, they were now mine!), went to the fridge and got a can of the blue Lo-Carb Monster,  then ran back into the living room where Adam was still standing there with a confused expression. "Hi!" 

  Shaking his head (I swear, he does that way too much...) and rolling his eyes, he replied 'Hi.' back. Just as I was about to say something smart, Eli walked in.

  "Hey Adam? Your friend kinda ran-" He then spotted me. "Oh. Um, hi?" I glanced at Adam and smirked. 

  "Hi", we replied at the same time. I looked at Eli, and felt that feeling of deja vu come over me. Where had I seen him from before?? 


A/N: Well. I'm guessing many of you assume I died during the 'apocalypse' that was supposed to happen a few days ago, eh? Haha... I'll write more ASAP. Sorry, I know this was short and not so good. I'm supposed to be writing a report for something, but... Yeah, haha. Peace!

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