Chapter 19

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A/N: Lately, uploading has become a chore to me, because I can't seem to split my time wisely - school, extra-cirricular activities, homework, and this. What's supposed to come in first? I have no clue. So, we're gonna be seeing fewer uploads guys =/ Hmm, I wonder if I should enter this in the Watty Awards to motivate myself.. Eh. Nahh. Anyways, I wonder... If I set up a competition for a chapter, would anyone care to enter? Comment saying what you think. Okay, on with the story!

  I jolted awake, and saw a face staring at me, and screamed. 

  "WHO ARE YOU?!" Whoa, my voice sounded all weird! All... helium-like! Cool...

  "I. Am... Ms. Shabba-labba-ding-dong!" I just stared at her.


  "The person who resides in the crevices of your fragile, unstable brain!" WTF?

  "What do you mean? What are you doing in my room?"

  "I-" Suddenly, she... or it... was cut off with the sound of guns. 

  "Nooooo! Soooooooapppppp! Help!" Another figure materialized beside me. 

  "Ghost here, what's the situation?"

  "What's going on?!?!?!" I screamed.

  "That's what I just asked YOU Soap..."


  "Bwahahahahaha! The enemy of my enemy is my friend!!!" A giant human sized waffle appeared out of no where, carrying an AK-47. Dude, what WAS this? The gun was suddenly pointed at me, and the waffle said, "Buh-bye Soap! You look so belle in those bunny slippers! Yes, I do know French! Bwahahahahaha! Belle belle belle belle..."


  "Whaaaah? Huh? I'm awake!" Startled, I shot up, and wiped my sleeve across my mouth to check for drool. That, was the weirdest dream EVER. No more MW2 for me...

  "Miss Belle, I have been trying for the past 5 minutes to get you to wa-" I glanced at the board.

  "Um, 69?" The class roared with laughter.

  Exasperated, the teacher said, "No, the answer to this equation is NOT 69, in fact, that's thousands off... But that's besides the point. Please refrain from catching your 'beauty sleep' in my class Miss Belle." 

  Embarrassed, I stammered an "Of course not...", then put my head back down.

  I felt a sharp jab in my side and turned to see who was disturbing my peace.

  "Geez Belle, can't stay out of trouble for at least one class period?"

  "Shuddup Brad..." I made a face at him, then went back to La-La Land.


  You know, I'd heard about schools playing like, songs for their bells. Why couldn't we do that here?! Muttering to myself, I shuffled to my car, not paying attention. 

  "Ooohf!" Falling straight down onto my tailbone, I sat there stunned. 

  "Sorry!!!" I narrowed my eyes.

  "Who the blue hell do you think you are, running into a distracted person like that?! I could have been hurt, and all you can think of is 'Sorry'?! AND you don't even offer a hand up!" I stood up, mumbling about 'ungrateful little bastards' these days and stormed off to my car. 

  "Hey!" Sighing, I stopped.


  "Um... You left your phone," the pipsqueak squeaked. Ahh, I crack myself up...

  Snatching it from his hands, I glared at him. "Scram."

  The kid, who was probably a senior, so I had no right to call him kid, ran off, terrified. I smiled to myself. It's great being me. I stopped in my tracks as I saw a figure by my passenger side door. Oh HELL no...

  "What are YOU doing here?"

  "Um. I need a ride home..." Corey said uncertainly.

  "Oh really?" He nodded.

  I acted as if I was thinking about it, then opened my door. 

  "So is that a yes?"

  "Where's that thing you were attached to a few days ago?"

  Corey's eyes narrowed to a slit. "I can't believe you did that, frikken bitch. I'm never gonna forgive you. You're so immature!" Ooh, fight? I was definitely in that kind of mood.

  "And I'M never gonna forgive you sweetie." I said in the most mockingly nice voice I could. 


  "Just get in the car."

  If I could keep track of awkward car rides, I think this one definitely tops the one where my (now ex-) boyfriend started trying to make out with me... while my parents were driving. Let's just say that my dad gets his shotgun every time I mention his name.

  As soon as we got to the neighborhood, I practically shoved him out of my door. How was I going to be able to deal with him for around 2 and a half more years?!

A/N: Hmm, Corey doesn't seem mad >.< Weird, huh? I wonder why... Well, I SHOULD be asleep right now (It's 11:36 PM, and I need to wake up at 5 AM tomorrow...) But I decided I wouldn't until I uploaded. The screen's all blurry now, haha!... So, I found the most awesomest cover of Justin Bieber ever (Eh, I don't like him much, but... I digress...) so check it out! Comment, Vote, you know the drill guys! (Well, girls too, haha!) And, yes, I know how random this whole chapter, and author's note, is.

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