Chapter 21

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Belle's POV

  "Get up!" I swatted a hand at the noise, and turned my face into my pillow. 

  "Belle, GET UP!" I grunted, pulling the covers over my head. Let me tell you, I'm one of those people who can sleep through a tornado, hurricane, AND earthquake at the same time if it was possible. 

  Sunlight blinded me as my covers were pulled away from me. "Gahhhh!" 

  "Gahh? What the heck is THAT?!" Roaring laughter filled the room. "Mmm..." I snuggled into myself, drifting off again.

  "What the crap? I swear, you could set the world record for sleeping! Okay, if you don't get up, I'll have to stoop low." Whatever. My bed started shaking as the intruder climbed onto it. I felt a presence over me, and sleepily squinted at it. "Mmm?"

  "I'll just have to... TICKLE YOU!" I gasped as warm hands found my weak spots, and started laughing uncontrollably. "Get...Offff... Me.....Aaahhdam!" 

  "Will you get out of bed?"

  "Yeee- Yesss!"

  The tickling stopped as abruptly as it started.

  "Okay!" came his bright, cheery voice. I was going to strangle him... As soon as I woke up.

  "No, you said you'd get up!" Strong arms carried me off, and dumped me onto the ground.

  "OUWCH! FREAKING FAGGOT!" For a second, he stiffened, but he relaxed in a flash.

  "Oh har har har. Go get dressed, it's already 7:18. We're gonna be late for school."

  "WHAT?!", I screeched, running to my bathroom.

  "You're welcome!"


  "What's the point of school? You wake up early, get yelled at by teachers, catch your sleep in class, then go home and do even more work. How gay is that?"

  "You know, gay could mean happy," Adam winked at me.

  "Well it doesn't when I use it."

  "Hey now, turn that frown upside down!" That only made me frown even deeper, and I gave him the one-finger salute.

  "Hey! That's not nice!" I turned around and stuck out my tongue at him immaturely. Laughing, he shook his head at me. I told you, he has a habit of doing that too much! "Hey watch-"

  I turned back around and ran smack into... Corey. Falling backwards (This was becoming a habit...) I landed smack on my butt, scattering my belongings everywhere. 

  "Out..." Adam finished.

  All I could muster was a feeble groan. "Dude. My ass..." Sniggering, Adam offered me a hand up. Corey was on the ground, picking up my stuff. Surprisingly.

  I grabbed Adam's hand, but nearly screamed in pain as he pulled me up. "My wrist!" I gasped out, cradling it. 

  "Yikes, you must have sprained it catching yourself when you fell," Adam stated. I could only groan. Not only did my tailbone hurt like crazy - it'd probably be bruised tomorrow! - but now I had a sprained wrist? Whooo...

  "Is there a problem here?", an old, gravelly voice croaked. I looked up an saw Mr. Spires, one of the ancient teachers, standing off to the side.

  "She hurt herself." Adam told him. I glared at him. 

  "I can speak for myself you know." He just rolled his eyes.

  "How so?" Mr. Spires asked.

  "I fell." 

  "How so?" Is this guy some kind of broken record?

  "I accidentally ran into her,"  Corey offered.

  Mr. Spires squinted at him. "Well sonny, I guess you should be the one to take her to the clinic then."

  I opened my mouth to protest, and Adam volunteered to take me himself. Mr. Spires squinted at us some more. 

  "I said for the other lad to take you young lady, so he will." Lad? Young lady? Wow. This guy has some issues. 

  "It's fine by me. Sir." Suck up. I glared at Corey, and noticed he looked a little rough and hectic today. 

  "Whatever." Mr. Spires nodded and went back to his classroom, inch by inch. I flicked him off with my good hand. 

  Glaring at Corey, Adam whispered into my ear. "If he lays even a finger on you, I'm gonna beat his sorry tail for you." I gave him a weak smile, then followed Corey, who was holding my books and bag, to the nurse's.

A/N: I've been on nearly all day downloading ringtones and watching YouTube videos of Nick Pitera >.< Wow. 

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