Epilogue - Mental Health

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Mental Health- includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.

How I discovered mental health was random, around 18 year's old I came across a post on Facebook about symptoms of mental illnesses that you've experienced but may not be aware of and when I saw that a few of those symptoms on that post applied to me, it pushed me to better my understanding of exactly what it was and that's what I did.

I searched the things I felt and described the best I could to get my answers. I took short quizzes that could help better determine what was happening to me and though I was close, I still wasn't sure what I was dealing with.

Following my last major depressive breakdown at 19 years old, my mother reached out for help and I was able to properly be diagnosed and treated for what I was actually going through.

When I took this step, I was relieved because before, I had no hope and I didn't think I'd ever be myself again, especially for how long I've been dealing with it all.

But Now, today, at 20 years old, my mental health is in a much better place. I have completed therapy, I take my medications regularly and I feel like I'm on the road to recovery.

I no longer self-harm or deal with any of my illnesses negatively anymore.

The way I cope with my disorders now is first being able to identify them, then being much healthier physically like working out, drinking more water and eating better, and last, I trained my mind to focus on the positives of my days instead of the negatives, and so much more.

Your mental health is so important, if it's not on track, then you won't be. Learn to take care of yourself first because you're no good for anyone if you can't be for you.

I've learned this the very hard way and a part of me wish I hadn't but the other part of me is appreciative for it because it made me who I am today and I can honestly say I'm proud of myself because I didn't believe I could do it, but I did, not just alone with also the support of my boyfriend, my mother, and best friend. My circle is small, but I feel like that's all I need right now.

Some days are still hard for me, like I have a rough time getting motivated to do house tasks or cook, even my hygiene, nevertheless I'm able to push through it every now and then. I just take one step at a time and limit myself tasks so I don't overwork.

I encourage you all to be safe. Know that there is hope and you will get through your rough days and none of what you're going through defines who you are.

Thank you all so much for reading and allowing me to share my story, this concludes Inside My Mind: Life After Trauma.


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