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Finn treated her like royalty. He understood the circumstances that she was in, but he didn't care. To her, it was still extremely random as to why he decided to make his move, the busiest and most stressful year that she was in, but the doubts were washing away. She felt, secure.

The bell erupted throughout the school and he took his usual place against the lockers, waiting for her to leave the classroom. He hadn't been to class recently, due to the fact that he did not want to. He knew it was going to affect his ability to play at Saturday's game, but he didn't care. That was something that he was going to have to worry about when the time came.

He looked down at his phone, seeing that it had already been a minute since the bell rang and she had not come out of the classroom. He walked over to the doorframe and slightly peaked inside, seeing her talk to her teacher. God, she was so beautiful.

She kept her hair down at all times, except for when she was stressed out. He noticed it. He didn't talk about it, but he definitely noticed it. Her hair was up. Something was bothering her. What was it?

Her figure was too good to be true. He never wanted to look at her in a sexual manner, but he couldn't help it. She was wearing leggings, and from the side, he could see her ass form such a perfect and plump shape. He was going to wait. He had no choice, but when he did get the opportunity to have her sexually, he was going to be ready.

He stood against the doorframe before soon seeing her walk out of the room. She turned to him and sighed. "Hey."

"Hey, princess," he smiled. He turned his head left and right, watching as the last couple of people walked into their classrooms before reaching over and kissing her temple. "How are you?"

"Upset," she says, making him lose the smile on his face. "How come?"

"I worked so hard on this English essay for summer. If I wasn't working, that was what I was focusing on. Mr. Young gave me a B for it. A B, Finn. I've never gotten a B on an English essay before."

Finn smiled. The way she was so driven to her studies and her work was just sexy. He wrapped his arm around her waist, directing their bodies to the end of the hall, making them walk towards the exit doors.

"It's one grade. If it makes you feel better, I got a C- on my summer essay," he shrugs. "That's cause you told me that you didn't care, and you copied off Seth, who copied off Sasha, who copied off me."

He chuckles. "Princess, you hold yourself to such a high pedestal and that is one thing I admire about you. But you put too much pressure on yourself. You have a what, 4.0 GPA?"

She groans. "Three-point nine-three. Freshman year was not good to me," she corrects, making him laugh.

"Let me finish, Einstein," he says. "What I'm saying is, this is the first grade that you're getting," the two make it to his car, as he once again, opens the door for her, allowing her to sit down. He closes it and makes his way to the other side, sitting in the driver's seat.

"You have like nine more months. You have enough time, baby. I don't like seeing you stressed," he says pushing the stray hairs back against her head. The little things he did, sent her over the edge. He paid attention to her.

"How is it that you are so smart, and never want to go to class?" She asks as she looks at him. He shrugs as he leans forward and kisses her lips. "Because I choose not to." He pulls back from her as he puts the keys in the ignition. "What do you want to eat?"

She shrugs. "I don't know. I don't want anything greasy though. I can feel my period coming and I don't want to break out." He looks at her face and inspects it. "You already are."

She gasps as she pulls the passenger side mirror down, looking at herself in the reflection, making Finn laugh. "That's not funny," she whines as she shoves him. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, princess. You know I didn't mean it," he smiles, grabbing her hand, and kissing it. God, he was so good with her.

Finn pulled out of his parking spot and drove off-campus. He watched from the side of his eye as Bayley took out a book, and open it, beginning to read. "Read to me," he says as he drives.

She looks up at him. "What?" He leans forward and looks out the window, seeing if it was clear for him to drive. "Read to me," he repeats. "I want to hear what brings you joy."

"You don't want to listen to it," she responds. He stops at a red light. "Why not?"

She blushes as she looks down at the book. She looks back at him before closing it. "Cause I'm not reading it anymore."

"Come on, princess," he begs. "I don't like reading. I feel like being read to by you would remind me of when my mom used to when I was a kid back in Ireland. Just a couple pages, until we get to where we're going to go."

"Where are we going to anyway?"

"Don't change the subject," he says as he puts his foot on the gas and drives off after seeing the light turn green. "Read to me."

"The book really isn't appropriate," she trails off. He looks ahead at the road in front of him. "This isn't a school book?" He asks. She watches as he shakes her head. Soon, a realization came up to him and he let out a low laugh.

"Oh," he simply said, making her blush harder. "Yeah. I'm not going to read it out loud to you," she responds. Finn pulls up in a parking lot and parks the car. He turns to her and places his hand on her cheek, and begins to stroke it with his thumb.

"One day, you will, princess. You just wait."

[ edited 08-13-2021]
[word count 1080]

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