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"Why couldn't I get the bigger tits?"

Friday had come sooner than expected and not only was it homecoming, but it was the one-month anniversary of Bayley and Finn. To say the two were excited about celebrating was an understatement.

Bayley sat at her sister's vanity, looking at herself in the mirror as her sister made some finishing touches on her hair. She didn't have enough time to find a dress on short notice, so with permission, she borrowed her sisters. It was an off-the-shoulder ruffled dress that hugged her curves in ways that would drive Finn crazy.

"What?" Bayley responds to her sister's comment. "Your tits are fine, Brenda."

She rolled her eyes. "I wore this dress sophomore year. That was like five years ago. I had no tits and the dress didn't look as good as it does on you on me."

Bayley blushes at her sister's comment. She never really took the time to truly look at herself in the mirror, to truly inspect how she looked. Yeah, when she was washing her face to make sure there weren't any pimples growing, but she never really saw herself as the "beautiful" type, or in Finn's words, the "sexy" type.

"Alright," Brenda exclaims as she claps her hands together, "all done! What do you think?"

She nodded. "I look good."

Brenda scoffs. "You look hot. Don't disrespect my magic, perra ingrata," she cursed. [translation: ungrateful ass bitch]

Bayley smiled as she stood up and hugged her sister. "I'm very grateful, Brenda. Gracias." [translation: thank you]

Brenda smiles. "I'm teasing," she flops herself on her bed, taking off her socks. "So, who's the mystery guy that's taking you?"

Bayley bit her lip softly as the thought of Finn came to her mind. Mystery man. No one knew about her and Finn, so the name did seem fitting. Was it really time to tell her sister about her and Finn?

Bayley shrugged. "I guess you're going to have to wait and see for yourself," she innocently smiled.

"Mamá debería haberse tragado y convertirse en hijo único." [translation: mom should have swallowed you and made me an only child]

The doorbell rang as Bayley rolled her eyes at the insult her sister gave her. Brenda's eyebrow raised as she ran to the door, curious to see who was taking her baby sister to the dance.

She walked down the stairs with her purse and phone in one hand, while she held on to the railing of the stairs. Why did Brenda have four-inch heels around and why did she agree to wear them?

She got to the bottom of the stairs and saw her sister and boyfriend at the door. Finn wore a black dress shirt and pants, with black shoes on. Even to a formal event, he still would wear all black.

He had white tulips in his hand as a smile grew on his face. He let out a satisfied smile and she could hear him whisper something under his breath. Probably something in Gaelic.

"Hi," Bayley smiled as she walked up to him.

"Hi princess," he looks down at her body, "you look beautiful."

She blushed as he handed her the flowers in his hand. "These are for you. Happy one month."

"One month?" Brenda chimes in. "You've been keeping this for a month?"

The two chuckle as Bayley hands her sister the flowers. "Can you put these in the kitchen, please?" Brenda scoffs as she takes the flowers. "When you get back, you have a lot of explaining to do, señorita." [translation: missy]

Finn chuckles as he takes his girlfriend's hand guiding her through the doorway. "I'll have her back by 11."

"You better. Puede que seas lindo, pero eso no me impedirá alimentar al perro con tu pene. I know where you live," Brenda snaps. [translation: you may be cute, but that won't stop me from feeding your penis to the dog]

"Brenda, parada," Bayley snaps back. "We'll be back and if mom or dad comes home, just tell them I went to the dance. I'll tell you about us when I get back. I promise." [translation: stop]

Brenda laughs and nods. "Yeah, yeah. Go have fun, but not too much fun. I like kids, but I'm not ready to be an aunt right now."

[word count 736]

an -

hello everyone!! how is everyone enjoying this story? please share with your friends or definitely add this book to your reading lists as well! i would like this book to reach a higher amount of views and votes like my other wrestling books.

i just wanted to make this quick author's note to clarify some things in case later on in the story things get confusing: 

as we all know, finn is actually Irish and if it was not known, bayley is Mexican, meaning there will be times where the characters will be speaking their native language. i don't speak Irish Gaelic, and i only took two years of Spanish so i'm not exactly fluent in it.

i will be using google translate so if you feel as though something is wrong with the translation, please comment and let me know so i can change it and give the right representation.

anyways, now that that is out of the way, i'm sorry this was a short filler chapter. it's currently 11:16 PM where i am and i worked a morning shift and had to go to a band meeting, so i am extremely tired.

i will be working on the next chapter which will hopefully be better than this chapter, and i will hopefully get a chapter out by Sunday night.

i like and miss doing author's notes at the end of my stories so maybe every once in a while I'll leave one in.

i already have a plan as to how i want the story to go, but if you have any ideas that you want that you believe will help progress the story, by all means, comment or message me privately and i will try and incorporate your idea in the story!!

until next time!

have a great night/day!!


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