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The couple walked inside a restaurant, which happened to be a diner. It gave off the vibe that one would see in the movie West Side Story. The mixture of retro colors was blinding to the eye, but Bayley fell in love.

"Welcome to Kirsten's Kitchen, my name is Nora, I'll be helping y'all out today," a woman came to the hostess stand. She looked over at Finn and smiled. "Welcome back, Finn."

Bayley looked at him and noticed the same type of smile on her boyfriend's face. A sudden drop came unto her. Why was he looking at her like that? Why was she looking at him like that? How did they know each other? What was this feeling she was having?

"Hey Nora," Finn answered. Jealousy, jealousy.

Nora looked down at Bayley. "Well, aren't you just adorable?" She was enunciating her southern accent, to match the vibe of the overall diner. Bayley hated it. She hated her.

"This is my girlfriend, Bayley," Finn responds as he squeezes her hand. "Bay, this is Nora. The best server I know." Bayley looked at Finn and then back at Nora. She noticed that her demeanor changed when Finn said that she was his girlfriend. If looks could kill, Bayley wouldn't be dead, but she sure would've been close enough.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Bayley," the fake smile plastered on her face had said otherwise. "Do you want your regular table, Finny?"

Finny? Seriously? The pit in her stomach was growing more and more. She wanted to leave. He wasn't doing anything to stop it and it was making her upset. She wanted to scream.

"As much as I would like to, we can't." His word choice of "we". He was noticing his girlfriend. She was getting uncomfortable.

"It was a bit of a drive here. We have to be back at school in about twenty-five minutes," he continues. Nora nods. "Your regular, then?"

He nods. "Add the Widow's Wrap with it too," he answers as Nora writes it all down. "And make it quick. You know I don't like waiting." She giggles as she puts the notepad down. "I already know what you like, Finn."

She walks away back to the kitchen before Bayley walked out of the restaurant. She was uncomfortable. He was basically flirting with another girl in front of her. How rude could that be?

"Pam," she hears him call her name. She ignored him as she continued to walk away from him and the restaurant. She felt him grab her arm, as she shoved him off of her. "Leave me alone."

He grabbed her arm again and pulled her into him. "What are you upset about?" He asked. She looked at him and scoffed. "What am I upset about? There's absolutely no way you just asked me that ridiculous-ass question."

"I wouldn't have if I had already known. What's your deal?"

"How do you know her?" She asked. "Know who? Nora?" She didn't say or do anything. He chuckled.

"I come here with Seth once a week. That's how I know her."

"Did you sleep with her?" She was curious. She probably already knew the answer, but she wanted to hear him say it.

"Not exactly," he says. She scoffs again before turning around and attempting to walk away. Finn grabbed her arm and pulled her once again, closer than before. He left no space in between their bodies, except for their lips.

"You're gonna stop walking away from me when I'm talking to you," his voice got deeper, making his accent sound scarier. "That's disrespectful and I don't like disrespect. I don't handle it very well. Apologize."

"I'm sorry," she whispered faintly. "I can't hear you, Bayley."

"I'm sorry," her voice was still faint, but loud enough for Finn to hear. "It was a long time ago," he addresses. "I was here late, she was closing. I waited for her, and we got to talking and she gave me a blowjob. That was it."

Bayley felt her face heat up. She had already known that her boyfriend was a player. She heard stories all through high school from the girls that Finn had slept with. This shouldn't have been anything new.

"Why would you bring me here if you two had a history?" She asks. Finn raised an eyebrow. "History? We don't have history. Princess, I told you. It was literally a one-night thing. The blowjob wasn't even good. I'm not even attracted to her anymore."

"Any more?"

"Yes, anymore. I have a girlfriend. I'm attracted to her. I've always been attracted to my girlfriend. What I did with Nora and the other girls in our school were distractions," he admits. "And I'm being honest with you because I have nothing to lose, except you."

Bayley looked at the man in front of her. They'd only been together for a couple of weeks, but he was treating her like they had been together since forever. There was still a question that she wanted to ask, but she wasn't ready to know the answer just yet.

"What?" He asked, noticing her face. She shakes her head. "Nothing. Let's just get the food and go back to school. I have a test next period."

"Ask the question. I know you have one."

"There are a lot of questions that I have about you and us that I am not ready to know the answer to yet. I wanna go back to school."

Finn frowned at the sound of her voice. Is this what he is going to get for being honest? Was she going to punish him for who he was?

"You're not being fair, by the way," he mumbles before letting her arm go and walking back to the restaurant. Bayley watched him walk, wondering if it was worth it to follow him back.

[ edited 08-13-21]
[ word count 992]

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