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The car ride back to school was silent. The two were upset with each other. Bayley was more upset with herself, additionally for making Finn upset. But she had every right to be upset. He brought her to one of his former mistress' works. That's a level of disrespect that should never be reached.

She watched him pull onto campus and park his car at his spot in front of the soccer field. He grabbed the bag that he had put in the back seat and brought it in front of him.

"I'm not hungry anymore," Bayley told. He ignored her comment and gave the to-go box to her. "Eat. You have a test. You don't perform well if you're worried about food."

She took the food and opened the car door. She closed it and walked away from him.

It wasn't fair how she handled the situation, she'll admit that. But it's hard. It's hard to be with someone completely different than her. She would've never imagined herself being with someone like Finn. The type of person who didn't care about his grades, or was OK with not achieving their best academically. The type of person who cared more about their social life.

But he treated her so well. Why was it so hard for her to see past that? Was it an internal thing? Did she need to talk to someone? She didn't want to admit it, but she wanted things with Finn to work, but all these doubts were telling her otherwise.

The first bell rang, making it known that lunch was over. She headed to her trigonometry class, getting ready to take the test. She was the first person in the room, seeing her teacher wipe the erase board. She made her way to her table and put her food down underneath her desk.

"Anything good, Ms. Martinez?" She heard making her lookup. She smiled at the teacher. "Just a wrap. I wasn't able to eat lunch, but I won't eat during the test."

"Speaking of the test, you did enough extra credit assignments the past couple of days to get yourself an A+ on this test. You're excused from it," the teacher explains. "Really?"

The teacher nods. "I've never seen a student who seemed to actually enjoy trig. I'm very impressed, Bayley." She smiles. "Thank you. Could I go to the library, if that's the case?"

"Of course. Let me just write you a pass to take to the office to let them know and you'll be all set." Bayley nodded as she grabbed her things and made her way to the front of the desk.

She watched her teacher fill out a small piece of paper before ending the bottom of the paper with her signature. She hands the paper to Bayley. "There's no homework tonight, so I'll see you tomorrow."

Bayley nods as she walks out of the classroom and heads down the hall towards the main office. As she walked, she felt a familiar presence behind her. She didn't want to turn around and acknowledge it, so she continued to walk.

She made her way into the office and walked up to the front desk. "Excuse me," she faintly calls out, getting the attention of the secretary in front of her. "I have a pass for the library from Mrs. Terrence."

The secretary takes the pass from the student and types something into the computer in front of her. "Here you go, dear. You're all set." Bayley smiles. "Thank you."

She turns around and is met with her boyfriend. Is he even still her boyfriend after what had taken place not too long ago?

The two made eye contact before Finn walked around her and to the front desk. "Mr. Balor," she hears the secretary say. "The principal and your coach have been expecting you."

"I know that, Deborah. I'll be making my way over there now if you don't mind."

Knowing it wasn't any of her business, she walked out of the office and headed to where she had asked to go. She walked into the library, seeing that there were a couple of people in there. She made her way to her spot, noticing that there was someone there.

She wanted to get angry, but getting angry had reminded her of how she was just angry less than thirty minutes ago. It got her into a serious altercation with Finn. She sucked it up and moved to the other table, which was a little farther from everyone else, still giving her the solidarity that she wanted.

She knew that she wasn't allowed to eat in the library, but she was starving. She opened the to-go box and saw a wrap with curly fries in it. She also noticed a small piece of paper on it. She picked it up and looked at the message written on it.

I know who I am and what I represent isn't the image you had in mind when you thought of relationships. I know you need time to adjust to everything, so I'm going to leave you alone for a while. Whenever you're ready, find me and we'll talk.

- FB

She read the note over and over again, trying to find some hidden message in it. No. This isn't what she wanted. Is this what doubts get you? She didn't want him to leave her alone. He was treating her like an actual princess. Like Cinderella. Was she Cinderella? Without the evil stepsisters? Had their altercation earlier today represent the clock strikes 12?

She wanted him. So badly. He wanted her too. He told her so many different times. Is this what you get when you're distracted? A bunch of doubts and confusing thoughts and perplexing desires?

She reached for her phone and swiped over to his contact.

I want you.

[edited 08-13-21]
[word count 993]

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