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"You'll do great, I know you will."

The day had finally arrived where Finn was going to take the test to determine if he was eligible to play at tomorrow's game. The two walked to Mr. Evan's classroom, a couple of minutes after the bell rang, wanting to get their last-minute of alone time.

"If I don't," Finn starts, making Bayley slap his shoulder. "Stop it. Do you ever talk down on yourself before a game?" She asks him. He chuckles and shakes his head. "Exactly. Stop being negative."

He smiles as he kisses her temple, as the two walked into the classroom, getting the teacher's attention.

"Mr. Balor," the two hear, "I'm glad to see you have joined me." He looks at Bayley and smiles. "Bayley. How are you?"

Bayley smiles at the teacher. "Hi, Mr. Evans. I'm good, and you?" He shrugs. "Couldn't be any better. What are you doing here, with Finn?"

Bayley looks at Finn, an answer becoming unknown to her. "She's my tutor. We were studying on our way here," Finn jumps in. "She's going to leave so you can give me my test now. I don't have all day," he continues as he sits in the chair next to him.

Bayley chuckles. "It was nice seeing you, Mr. Evans," she looks at Finn as he leaned back in his chair. "Good luck, Finn."


The bell was going to ring in about five minutes and Bayley wanted to be the first person Finn saw after passing his test. They studied hard, almost as much as Bayley would on her own, so she did not doubt that he was going to pass.

As she walked down the hall, she could hear screaming. The screaming sounded very familiar as she got closer to the classroom.

"You gave me a bad grade because I fucked your daughter? Are you serious?" She heard. "Mr. Balor, please, lower your tone," she could hear as well.

She walked into the room seeing Finn, the principal, and Mr. Evans in the room. Finn had his paper in his hand, it was wrinkled and his face was red. It was more read than Bayley's when Finn said something to make her blush.

"No," Finn yelled. "He's had it out for me since sophomore year. All because his daughter wanted to have sex with me and I gave it to her. She didn't want to wait for daddy's approval and he's giving me bad grade after bad grade. I did not fail this test."

"Mr. Balor. Whatever accusations you have, they are not true. I do not bring my home life to school. You got the grade that you got, and I'm sorry, but you won't be playing tomorrow's game.

Finn pushed the papers off his desk and slammed his hands on the desk. "Finn," Bayley called out, getting the teacher and principal's attention. "Ms. Martinez," the principal answers. "What are you doing here?"

Bayley looked down at the floor and saw Finn's test on the floor. She picked it up and saw '62.5' and 'F' written in big fat red ink on the paper. It didn't make sense. There's no way he got a 62.

"I wanted to see how Finn did after his test." Bayley looks at the teacher. "Mr. Evans? I'm sorry, but there's no way that he failed this test."

"I'm sorry, Bayley. That's what he got. There are no more changes."

Bayley put her bag down and sat down at the seat. She reached over at the desk next to her and saw a pen on the desk. She scanned through the test, looking through the questions that were marked wrong.

"Ms. Martinez. What are you doing?"

Bayley ignored her name being called and continued to look through the test. No. There couldn't be any way Finn failed this test. No way.

Bayley closed the test and put the pen down. "Mr. Evans. I just checked over Finn's work. You marked seven questions wrong, that he got right," she got up and handed the test to the teacher. "I circled them for you."

Mr. Evans looks down at the test in front of him. He sits down at his desk and looks down through the booklet. He closes it and sighs, looking up at the people in front of him. "She's right. I apologize Finn."

He took the pen and crossed the original label and marked an 85.5 with a B at the top. Finn scoffed. "I want a new pre-calculus teacher," he demanded before walking out of the classroom.

Bayley followed him out of the classroom, hearing the bell ring. She almost lost him in the sea of students. "Finn," she called out. She saw the doors open. She only had five minutes to talk to him and get back to class. Was it worth it? Her class was next to the exit doors, and Finn would've done the same thing if she had been upset.

She walked into her classroom and asked to go to the bathroom, not wanting to ruin her perfect attendance record. She walked out of the building to see Finn walking towards his car.

"Finn," she called, making him stop walking. She walked up next to him. "Are you OK?"

As if his face couldn't get redder, it did. "Do not ask questions you already know the answers to, Bayley."

She frowned. "I just helped you back there. You're not going to talk to me like that," she spits before turning around and walking towards the school. She felt him grab her wrist, bringing their bodies together. He towered over her as he snaked his arm around her waist.

"You're right. I'm sorry, princess. I didn't mean to be disrespectful," he says kissing her forehead. "I just can't believe Evans did that. I told you he has it out for me."

The bell rang and Finn's eyes slightly widen. "Bay, your attendance record." She shook her head. "I told my teacher that I went to the bathroom," she smiled, "thank you, though."

"I knew there was no way you could've failed. You got tutored by the smartest person in the school. Besides, I want to see my boyfriend play tomorrow," she smiles. Finn smiles back as he grabs her face and places his lips on hers.

She wrapped her arms around his waist as he pushed her against the nearest car. He deepened the kiss and she let out a soft whimper as he trailed down her neck with the kisses, his hands now back on her waist, squeezing it.

"Wait, wait," she pleaded as he pulled away. "What's wrong?"

She blushes. "I hope I don't have a hickey." A smirk got on Finn's face.

"No, but I could make one."

She laughed as she pushed him off. "Go to class, Finn," she called walking back to the doors. "I don't want to," he called back, a hint of him whining was heard. She had her hand on the door handle before turning around. "No more kisses."

Even though they were at a distance, she could see his eyes widen. He jogged over to her, making her giggle. "I'd rather not play a soccer game than to never kiss you again, princess."

[ word count 1218}

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