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PERCY HAD STOMPED out of the tent like a grumpy child after zoe had made her exit. ivy sighed in defeat as she watched him walk towards thalia and grover, where he no doubt was going to share what happened.

"do not fret, young one," artemis said, making ivy rip her eyes off of the son of poseidon. "he's a boy. he simply does not understand."

"if you'd let me ask, lady artemis..." ivy hesitated. "why didn't you approach me sooner? i know annabeth received a pamphlet from the hunt a while ago."

"i'm afraid i have tried to approach you before, ivy. aphrodite has gone to extensive lengths to stop me from extending my offer," the goddess said.


"nevertheless, her efforts were futile," artemis told her. "your mother does not understand wanting more out of life than love."

ivy frowned. "love isn't affecting my decision, lady artemis. it's... i just wonder if it's really what i'm meant to be. or if i'm meant for more."

she could see the ghost of a smile on the goddess's lips. "i believe that whether you join my hunt or not... you will be a hero, ivy fitzgerald. that's what having the true spirit of a huntress is about."

the daughter of aphrodite left after that, her thoughts scattered and heart heavy.

artemis assured them that dawn was coming, even if it was colder and darker and snowier than ever. up on the hill, westover hall's windows were completely lightless. ivy wondered if the teachers had even noticed the di angelos and dr thorn were missing yet. she didn't want to be around when they did.

the hunters broke camp as quickly as they'd set it up. artemis stared into the east expectantly. thalia, grover, and percy were huddled together for warmth. bianca sat off to one side, talking with nico. ivy could tell from his gloomy face that she was explaining her decision to join the hunt.

after a moment of hesitation, ivy walked to her group of friends. there was tension between the group. grover tugged at the end of his shirt nervously. thalia sent her nod, she wasn't mad at ivy after all. percy stood stiffly, his face more brooding than ever, he looked like he was about to punch a wall.

ivy did nothing to appease the crackling of anger between herself and percy. she wasn't sure why thalia and – now percy – had against the hunters, it wasn't like they did anything to them. the brunette imagined that maybe thalia was offered to join but turned into a nasty exchange of insults, but the daughter of zeus respected that no matter her story with the hunters joining or not was ivy's choice. percy didn't take the route of maturity that thalia was in, his anger only made her angrier. by now the snow was melting a little around her feet, her body radiating enough heat for her friends to relax in it if they stood close enough. the only reason she wasn't accidentally burning people was because there wasn't any sunlight for her to maneuver unintentionally.

finally the sky began to lighten. artemis muttered, "about time. he's so-o-o lazy during the winter."

"you're, um, waiting for sunrise?" percy asked.

"for my brother. yes."

ivy wasn't looking forward to boarding the sun chariot. it wasn't like she didn't want to see apollo... but she didn't want to see apollo. she didn't want to step foot in the wretched car that she was pushed off of just a few months ago. although she wondered how they were going to fit in his tiny car.

OH, CHÉRIE!¹     percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now