Prologue: Through Space and Time

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In the safety of her T-6 shuttle, Ahsoka Tano closed her eyes in meditation. Behind her, she heard the quiet babbles of the child Grogu as he proceeded to do the same.

"Clear your mind, little one," she said to him.

However, Ahsoka's own mind was unclear. A Darkness troubled her, and gnawed at her being. Something was pulling and calling to her. It startled her out of her meditation, and she opened her eyes to see the Child still concentrating his little mind on whatever the Force was trying to show him.

Ahsoka was troubled. It had been three weeks since the Mandalorian had left the Child with her for safekeeping, but ever since then, the Force had been calling to her in a way she hadn't felt since...

Breaking her meditation, she stood and picked up the Child.

There was something Ahsoka needed to see to, and her mind would not be at peace until she did. She set Grogu into the passenger seat beside her in the cockpit of their ship.

"Strap in, Grogu- we're going for a ride."

She needed to know what the Force was trying to tell her. Why it had been showing her visions of people and places that she had never seen before. But one thing she did know was when the Force was trying to tell her something, it never did well to ignore those notions.

She gave Grogu a slight reassuring smile and punched in the coordinates to Lothal.

 ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Ahsoka lowered her ship into the grassy plains of the planet Lothal, where she knew the old Jedi Temple stood. She had been here approximately twice in her life. The first time she had been with a couple of friends. The second time, well... she hadn't exactly been there at all.

It was broad daylight as Ahsoka with Grogu in her right arm approached the large, hive-like mound.

"Grogu," she said calmly, catching the little one's attention. "I'm going to need your help." She set the Child down on the ground beside her. "I need you to help me open the Temple."

Initially, she had been a little worried that the Child would be too weak to help her, but his powers in the Force were growing every day and Ahsoka could not open the Temple alone. Together, they would be stronger.

"Reach out to the Force," she instructed her little green friend. Instinctively she closed her eyes and reached out to the Force, not as a Light or a Dark Side, but the Force as a whole. It flowed through her and made her stronger. Beside her she felt Grogu struggling.

"Clear your mind, Grogu," she instructed, keeping her voice calm but firm.

The cry of a convor from up above told Ahsoka they were close. She knew that sound.

The Temple, however, wasn't budging. Ahsoka sighed in frustration as Grogu gave up too. Suddenly, she spotted the bird.

It was Morai, her friend who had once saved her life back when she was just a teenager in the Clone Wars.

The green and white owl-like convor chirped excitedly around Tano's head. Frowning, Ahsoka picked Grogu up and looked at her guide.

"Hello my old friend," she said to the bird Morai. "What do you have to show us?"

Morai hooted and flew over to the other side of the Temple- where there was a mural, one that Ahsoka had missed. She gasped when she saw the three figures that represented the Force in the painting.

Morai fluttered next to the woman in the painting and Ahsoka's eyebrows raised in happiness. "This is the way to open the Temple," she realized. "But how do we open it?" she wondered aloud.

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