Chapter 7- Compromise

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Meludir wasn't exactly adjusting to the child as well as Meldiriel had hoped. She had done her best to keep Gwinig out of his sight, but her brother always eyed him suspiciously whenever Meldiriel had him around. He was clearly still uncomfortable with the situation.

She had a feeling this was going to blow up in her face and Meludir wasn't going to let her keep him much longer– even though Gwinig had not caused any other problems aside from knocking the vase over.

Meldiriel was grieved about it too. The vase. It was one of the last pieces of her mother she had. Her sweet, gentle mother. The light of their father's life, who had been ripped from them too soon.

It was only a vase though, and a vase couldn't bring their mother back. Neither could the baby, but he was a living being, and she refused to abandon him simply because of an accident.

But tensions were growing, and the more time that passed with Meludir being home, the closer he was to snapping.

One morning, they were out in the back garden. Meludir was practicing with his weapons. He was "itching for a real fight" he claimed, and was bored of keeping guard all the time with nothing to do. Meldiriel was weeding the plants, with Gwinig beside her. He was skipping around, looking for bugs and other creatures to eat. After several moments though, he wandered away from her.

"AH! MEL!!"

Meldiriel jumped up.

"What?! Meludir, what is it?" She raced over to his side, but all she found was him on the ground, panting and Gwinig wandering around the area he had been practicing.

"I almost cut that thing in half!" her brother screamed.

Scowling, Meldiriel picked up Gwinig and cradled him protectively in her arms. "You scared me, Meludir. I thought something was really wrong."

"Yes, there was. I almost killed your pet," Meludir shot back.

Meldiriel sighed. "I am sorry. I did not see him wander away. I'll watch him better from now on, I promise." She turned away to go back to her gardening, but her brother stayed silent.

She glanced back at him over her shoulder.

Meludir sheathed his sword and went back over to where they were, and sat down on the stone bench behind his sister.

"Meldiriel," he said softly.

She ignored him pointedly, her cheeks burning.

"We have to turn him in. We can't keep him."

"Why?" she snapped, still not looking at her brother.

"Because for our safety, and his, he needs to go back to where he belongs," Meludir replied. "He's a creature we've never seen nor heard of before, and who knows what he can do. Not to mention the fact that he gets under our feet all the time, and I almost killed him."

"You should be more careful!"

"NO!" Meludir yelled. He was getting frustrated now. "You listen to me, Meldiriel. Are you properly equipped to take care of a baby? Are we equipped to take care of a baby? Not to mention keeping him a secret from the rest of the village. What happens when he grows up?"

All Meludir received in answer was dead silence. He sighed.

"I'm turning him in to Lord Celeborn. I'm sorry." He stood up.

"No! NO! You can't!" Meldiriel screamed, standing up and jumping in front of her brother. "Please!" Tears were streaming down her face, even though she knew her brother had a point.

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