Chapter 3- Old Friends

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"Meludir! Mellon nin!"

Legolas had not seen his friend in ages– well, not since the Fellowship had stayed in Lothlorien during their travels.

"Your Highness," Meludir answered with a mischievous smile on his lips.

Legolas shook his head good-naturedly as he embraced his friend. "Don't get used to calling me that."

"Good, I won't." Meludir smirked, his dark eyes glinted with amusement. "We cannot have you becoming too conceited as a member of the Fellowship, a war hero, and a prince."

Legolas punched his arm playfully. He hadn't known Meludir for long in his approximate three-thousand year life, but he was probably the closest thing he had to a brother. Growing up an only child had been a lonely experience.

"How is my father?" Meludir asked, immediately growing serious. "I have not had word from him in almost a year."

Legolas stopped, and stared at Meludir in somewhat stunned silence for a moment. Meludir's father was Miluidor, the Captain of the Guard of the Woodland Realm. He had served them faithfully for almost one hundred years at this point, but given that he was Legolas' constant companion in many of his duties, Legolas knew almost nothing about him. He had only just learned that he had a son and daughter when he visited Lothlorien for the first time eight years ago when he met Meludir. He still had not met Miluidor's daughter...

Legolas swallowed back a lump of sympathy in his throat for this apparent broken family. "Your father is well," he said. "I saw him not three days ago."

"Hmm," said Meludir, as if he was not surprised. "And he never mentions me or my sister does he?"

Legolas shook his head. "He discusses nothing with me outside of business."

Meludir sighs. "I thought as much. I am sorry– I should not involve you in our... family issues."

"It's alright." Legolas fiddled with his bow, which was a habit of his. "My family is far from perfect too, believe me. Just because my father is the king certainly does not make him perfect."

Meludir nodded in understanding.

"How are you and your sister?" Legolas asked, trying to change the subject.

Meludir shrugged in response. "As well as we can be. I didn't know you were interested in my sister though," he said, eyes glinting in amusement.

Legolas rolled his eyes at the teasing. It was true he still hadn't met Meludir's sister, even though he was certainly curious to. "I'm asking how your family is doing as a friend, Meludir."

Meludir grinned. "I know. Just checking. No need to get all tense."

Legolas sat down on a fallen stump behind them and placed his head in his hands. "I am sorry. It just has been a long past couple of days..."

"What's wrong?" Meludir asked, immediately looking concerned.

Legolas downcast his eyes. He knew he shouldn't say anything. He shouldn't tell Meludir of the Orcs, and the "Sorcerer," and what Lord Celeborn had said about the "evil." Meludir was just a friend. He was not qualified to know about these grave matters, but he had to tell someone, against his better judgement.

His father wouldn't be pleased, but for once, Legolas didn't care if he found out.

"There is a great danger in Middle-earth," Legolas' voice dropped to a whisper. "A Sorcerer is running freely across our lands, and frightening even the Orcs into hiding."

Meludir was frowning. "A Sorcerer? But Sauron was defeated. I do not understand."

Legolas shook his head. "I don't either Meludir. That is why I came here. To bring these matters to Lord Celeborn, but when I arrived, and told him of this, he was more concerned about something else. A great evil, he called it."

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