Chapter 4- The Halls of the Woodland Realm

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The men of the forest seemed to be taking Ahsoka to some kind of cavern. Perhaps their fortress? She could see it from afar off, even though the trees were practically the same height as the cave.

They marched her over a railless stone bridge situated above a waterfall. Although this forest and world were all quite strange to her, this place was beautiful as well as dangerous.

She couldn't help but think how much Master Skywalker and Master Kenobi might have loved it...

The two colossal wooden doors to the cave slammed shut behind them as Ahsoka was forced inside. Any last hope or thoughts of escape she may have had earlier were gone.

But perhaps her capture had been a fortunate thing. For starters, she needed to regain her strength, and she desperately needed information. Maybe the men of the woods knew something.

The inside of the cavern was far larger than it looked from the outside, and surprisingly, it took Ahsoka's breath away. She had seen some pretty fantastical places in her lifetime, like the crystal caves on Ilum, but the "Halls of the Woodland Realm" as the men of the forest called this place, was pretty incredible despite the fact that the people who lived here had an extreme case of paranoia to all outsiders.

In the middle of the room was a tall terrace made of wood and carved in the most intricate designs of leaves, berries, and woodland animals. Ahsoka squinted her blue eyes in the dim light, trying to make out the figure seated far up ahead of her.

It was a throne.

Ahsoka tensed, as she finally got a good look at the man seated high above her. He had long, perfectly straight blonde hair, blue eyes, and a stern and somehow regal look about him. He was dressed elegantly in silver robes that shimmered with an occasional hint of ruby, and wore a silver circlet on his head that glinted with white gems, as white as her lightsabers. Ahsoka had never seen any man like him. Master Skywalker's hair had been on the longer side, and even some of the other male Jedi had longer hair, but never this long and perfectly straight.

How does one manage hair anyway? she wondered. Not having any hair herself, Ahsoka could never get around the idea of hair and how annoying it looked.

"King Thranduil of Eryn Lasgalen," announced the captain who had taken Ahsoka prisoner. "We found this... woman wandering the outskirts of the palace borders. She was armed only with these." He extended the palm of his hand, showing King Thranduil Ahsoka's two lightsabers. He handed them to him.

Ahsoka visibly stiffened. She didn't enjoy being parted with her weapons, but she had learned not to totally rely on them over the years.

"This weapon is your life," Anakin had once said.

Painfully, Ahsoka pushed the thought of him out of her mind, and concentrated on who was in front of her now.

"She slipped past most of our watch, Your Highness," the captain was going on. "She is undoubtedly some kind of witch."

King Thranduil only raised his thick eyebrows as he turned Ahsoka's lightsabers over in his hands. If he was worried or alarmed, he didn't show it.

Yet Ahsoka could sense his fear. This king was good at hiding his emotions, which meant that he was mentally well-disciplined.

"Leave us," the king commanded.

Ahsoka almost thought the captain was going to protest, as he opened up his mouth, but with one death glare from the king, he bowed and ushered his men with him down the hallway, leaving Ahsoka alone with the king and two guards behind them.

Thranduil was still observing Ahsoka's lightsabers. She watched him intently with her head cocked, wondering what exactly was going through his mind.

"Such strange devices," he commented, finally looking her straight in the eye.

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