Chapter 1- The Sorcerer

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Legolas's grip on his bow tightened, and his muscles tensed as they always did before a fight. He had been a member of the Fellowship of the Ring; survived Moria; had tracked Uruk-hai across the plains of Rohan for almost three days straight; and survived the Battle for Helms Deep and the Battle of Pelennor Fields. He had seen the Army of the Dead and Sauron himself, yet every time he found himself back in the middle of a fight, he always wondered if it would be his last.

His chest tightened as he held his breath.

"They are close, your Highness," came the faint whisper of his Captain of the Guard.

Legolas nodded. The Forest Patrol waited for his signal to lead the attack against the stray band of Orcs they had spotted coming too close to their borders.

After the War of the Ring, the Free Kingdoms of Middle-earth had been working to eradicate the last of the Orcs that still remained. They all knew the job would take years, no matter how diligent they were.

Legolas had never seen a party this large wander this close to the borders of the palace, not since his father and Lord Celeborn had driven the forces of Sauron from Dol Guldur. It was unusual, and troubled him greatly, even though he did not speak these words aloud in front of his men.

He would save these fears for his father.

Legolas's ears picked up a movement. The Orcs were practically speeding their way. The Elf Prince felt his heart skip a beat as he gave the command.


Arrows flew, and the blood curdling shrieks of death filled Legolas's ears. There seemed to be... more than they had originally estimated. Why had such a large party of Orcs dared to venture this close to the Elvenking's palace? Right into the lion's den?

Legolas shouted the command a second time.

His arrow found an Orc's chest.

But the Orcs weren't stopping to fight. Most of them were running past the Elves frantically, even though they could see their comrades being killed. They weren't stopping to run in the opposite direction, they kept going.

Legolas had never seen anything like it. It was as if they were running from something else, but he could see nothing behind the Orcs chasing after them. Frowning, he fired arrow after arrow at as many Orcs as possible until he and his force had overcome them.

The Captain of the Guard, Miluidor strode towards him. "Strange for orcs to wander so close to the palace borders." He said exactly what Legolas had been thinking. "Especially a party of this size."

Legolas fell into step with him as they surveyed the dead bodies. "Could be nothing."

"Or something," said his captain. "This is quite abnormal, Your Highness."

Legolas knew he was right, but he didn't want to start worrying quite just yet...

A coughing and spluttering noise was coming from on the ground. Legolas and Miluidor glanced down. One of the Orcs was still alive, black blood dripped from his mouth as he choked and gagged on his own blood.

The Elf Prince crouched down beside the Orc's head and drew one of his long white knives. He pressed the blade against its throat. The Orc literally spluttered and laughed at the same time.

"You mean to threaten me, Elfling? I am already dying."

Captain Miluidor drew his bow. "This is the Prince of Eryn Lasgalen you are addressing, filth, mind your tongue."

Legolas held up his other hand, gesturing for the Captain to hold his bow.

"Answer my questions truthfully and I will spare your life. Why are you in these lands? Are there more of you?"

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